| Color Picker Plugin
< < | |
> > | |
| This package adds a color type to TWikiForms:
< < |
color |
Single-line text box and a color picker to pick a color. The color can also be typed into the text box, such as #123456 . |
Text box width in number of characters |
Initial (default) color |
> > |
color |
Single-line text box and a color picker to pick a color. The color can also be typed into the text box, such as #123456 . An attribute of type="popup" shows a button that, when clicked, opens a color picker popup. |
Text box width in number of characters |
Initial (default) color |
Example form definition: |
< < |
> > |
Note: The type="popup" attribute requires TWiki-6.0.2 or later. |
Using the color picker in an HTML form |
< < |
Copyright: |
© 2007 Steven Wittens , Acko.net for Farbtastic jQuery plugin © 2010-2013 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny and TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor for TWiki ColorPickerPlugin |
> > |
Copyright: |
© 2007 Steven Wittens , Acko.net for Farbtastic jQuery plugin © 2010-2015 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny and TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor for TWiki ColorPickerPlugin |
Sponsor: |
Wave Systems Corp. for type parameter |
< < |
> > |
| <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> |
> > |
2015-01-10: |
TWikibug:Item7604: Switch to GPL v3 |
2014-12-29: |
TWikibug:Item7601: Implement new type="popup" parameter for popup color widget |
2014-12-20: |
TWikibug:Item7601: New type parameter to set the type of color widget |
2014-12-11: |
TWikibug:Item7577: TWiki form field type with configure attributes, color type supports form, onblur, onfocus, onchange, onselect, onmouseover, onmouseout, pattern, placeholder, spellcheck, style, tabindex, title, translate |
2013-02-15: |
TWikibug:Item7148: Fix for color picker not working if initial value of TWiki forms field of type color is empty |
2013-01-09: |
TWikibug:Item7091: Dependency clarification; use TWISTY for installation instructions |
2012-12-03: |
TWikibug:Item7020: Add VarCOLORPICKER with category; doc improvements |