Difference: EditTablePlugin (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62004-02-28 - PeterThoeny

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Edit Table Plugin

This plugin allows you to edit TWiki tables using edit fields and drop down boxes. Tables have an [ Edit table ] button if preceeded by an %EDITTABLE{...}% variable. Each column can be a text field, a drop down box, a date field, etc. Multiple tables per topic are editable, but only one at a time can be edited.

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header Specify the header format of a new table like "|*Food*|*Drink*|". Useful to start a table with only a button (no header)
format The format of one column when editing the table. A cell can be a text input field, or any of these edit field types:
- Text input field (1 line):
  | text, <size>, <initial value> |
- Textarea input field:
  | textarea, <rows>x<columns>, <initial value> |
- Drop down box:
  | select, <size>, <option 1>, <option 2>, etc |
- Fixed label:
  | label, 0, <label text> |
- Row number:
  | row, <offset> |
- Date:
  | date, <size>, <initial value>, <DHTML date format> |
"text, 16"
for all cells
changerows Rows can be added and removed if "on";
Rows can be added but not removed if "add"
Plugin setting
quietsave Quiet Save button is shown if "on", hidden if "off" QUIETSAVE
Plugin setting
include Other topic defining the EDITTABLE parameters. The first %EDITTABLE% in the topic is used. This is useful if you have many topics with the same table format and you want to update the format in one place. (none)
helptopic Topic name containing help text shown below the table when editing a table. The %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables can be used in the topic to specify what is shown. (no help text)
headerislabel Table header cells are read-only (labels) if "on"; header cells can be edited if "off" or "0" "on"
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  • Default for change rows flag: on, off, add
    • Set CHANGEROWS = on
  • Default text for edit button:
    • Set EDITBUTTON = Edit table
  • Default flag for quiet save option: on to show the Quiet Save button, off to hide
    • Set QUIETSAVE = on

  • Default edit button: Specify button text, or specify alternate text, image URL
    • #Set EDITBUTTON = Edit table
    • Set EDITBUTTON = Edit this table, edittable.gif
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  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip EditTablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
lib/TWiki/Plugins/EditTablePlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
data/TWiki/EditTablePlugin.txt Plugin topic
data/TWiki/EditTablePlugin.txt,v Plugin topic repository
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/*.gif Screenshots
lib/TWiki/Plugins/EditTablePlugin.pm Plugin Perl module
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/edittable.gif Edit table button image
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/*.gif Screenshots and Mishoo DHTML calendar images
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/README Mishoo DHTML calendar README
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/release-notes.html Mishoo DHTML calendar release notes
pub/TWiki/EditTablePlugin/*.js Mishoo DHTML calendar JavaScript files
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Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny
Plugin Version: 18 Feb 2004
Plugin Version: 27 Feb 2004
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
27 Feb 2004: Added QUIETSAVE setting and quietsave parameter; image for Edit button
18 Feb 2004: Doc fixes; allow edit button anywhere in a cell not just at the end of a cell
17 Feb 2004: Added per cell definition of edit field types with %EDITCELL{}% variable; added headerislabel and editbutton parameters
20 Dec 2003: Fixed bug where calendar did not work after adding a row (TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung); added all language files of Mishoo DHTML calendar 0.9.5
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  Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 18 Feb 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1071361684" name="EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" size="7823" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 27 Feb 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1078005196" name="EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" size="7823" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071361959" name="README" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\README" size="823" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071361968" name="release-notes.html" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\release-notes.html" size="10593" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071361980" name="calendar.js" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\calendar.js" size="45484" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1071904206" name="calendar-zh.js" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\EditTablePlugin\pub\TWiki\EditTablePlugin\calendar-zh.js" size="1058" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1077169619" name="ScreenshotEditCell1.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\ScreenshotEditCell1.gif" size="2017" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshot" date="1077169561" name="ScreenshotEditCell2.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\ScreenshotEditCell2.gif" size="3199" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1078005090" name="img.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\img.gif" size="145" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Component of Mishoo DHTML calendar" date="1078005104" name="menuarrow.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\menuarrow.gif" size="68" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Edit button image" date="1078004977" name="edittable.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\edittable.gif" size="298" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.EditTablePlugin.