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Revision 32006-06-25 - TWikiContributor

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Add-on to the TWiki kernel that supports e-mail notification of changes.

This module is an add-on to the TWiki kernel that supports e-mail notification of changes.
  WARNING: TWiki-4 only. If you want to use this extension with an earlier version of TWiki, please see here


Summary of Contents



Summary of Contents


 The main part of the mailer module is a script, tools/mailnotify. This script is designed to be run from 'cron' (or an equivalent offline job scheduler), and processes the contents of the standard WebNotify topic. As well as providing the usual notification service, it also provides per-topic notification services. The script may be run from the command line or a cron job.

<-- Included by WebChangesAlert -->
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  Note mailnotify ignores permissions in webs. It is entirely possible for a user to get added to a WebNotify topic in a web, when they are not authorised to view the topics in that web. This could result in them having limited access to sensitive information (the topic summaries).

TWiki/Contrib/MailerContrib code library


TWiki/Contrib/MailerContrib code library

 The second part of the module is a code library that provides the services for other applications to modify WebNotify through a clean, well documented interface. This allows (for example) plugin developers to add a "Register me for notification" button to their pages. The main interface is the WebNotify package described below.

Installation Instructions


Installation Instructions

 This Contrib is pre-installed as part of the TWiki release package, and should only have to be re-installed if an upgrade is required.
  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip MailerContrib.zip in your twiki installation directory.
  • Run the installer script MailContrib_intaller.pl or alternatively resolve all dependencies manually.
  • To make sure the installation was successful, run the mailnotify script from the command line, with no parameters. In this case it will print out what it would have done to STDOUT.

Setting up your cron job


Setting up your cron job

 You need to set up a cron (or equivalent) job to run mailnotify.
Usage: perl -I tools/mailnotify [-q] [ web1 web2 ... webN ] is the path to the TWiki bin directory, so that the script can find the rest of TWiki.
Usage: perl -I <bin> mailnotify [-q] [ web1 web2 ... webN ] <bin> is the path to the TWiki bin directory (usually ../bin), so that the script can find the rest of TWiki.
-q Don't print progress information
web1 web2 ... webN List of webs to process, separated by spaces or commas. Default is to process all legal TWiki webs. Wildcards (*) are supported.
For example, perl -I /usr/local/twiki/bin mailnotify -q Public Private will generate notifications for the Public and Private webs.


  • Name of the perl package


    • Set STUB = TWiki::Contrib::Mailer
  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Supports e-mail notification of changes.

Contrib Info


Contrib Info

Author: TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie (http://c-dot.co.uk)
Copyright ©: 2004, Wind River Systems
Line: 114 to 117
8 Sep 2004 1.000 Initial version
Home: TWiki:Plugins/MailerContrib
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/MailerContribDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/MailerContribAppraisal
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.MailerContrib.