Difference: MailerContrib (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42007-01-10 - TWikiAdminGroup

Line: 1 to 1


Add-on to the TWiki kernel that supports e-mail notification of changes.
Add-on to the TWiki kernel that allows users to "subscribe" to regularly scheduled e-mails containing either:
  • A report on changes to all topics that have changed within a particular TWiki web.
  • A report on changes to a specific topic or set of topics the user can define flexibly.
  • The entire content of a specific topic or set of topics. This is referred to as "news mode."

Developer Notes

The changes mails sent to users are based on a TWiki template called mailnotify. This template must contain the following definitions.
HTML:before Section of a HTML mail before the changes
HTML:middle Repeated in a HTML mail for each change
HTML:after Section of a HTML mail after the changes
PLAIN:before Section of a plain text mail before the changes
PLAIN:middle Repeated in a plain text mail for each changes
PLAIN:after Section of a plain text mail after the changes
MailNotifyBody All the above are embedded in this. %HTML_TEXT% expands to the HTML obtained by expanding the HTML:* templates, and %PLAIN_TEXT% from the PLAIN:* templates.
The default template sends multipart mails containing both HTML and plaintext versions. You can easily provide a custom version of this template using a local skin.

Newsletters are sent after formatting using the standard view template, using whatever skin is selected in the topic being mailed.


Contrib Info

Author: TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie (http://c-dot.co.uk)
Copyright ©: 2004, Wind River Systems
Copyright ©: 2004, Wind River Systems; 2006, http://WikiRing.com
License: GPL
Change History:  
8808 Item1654 mailnotify must enter the command_line context
8625 Item1508 Making the dashes in the separatator clearer
8606 Item1508 MailerContrib: Brushing up HTML mailnotify template
8602 Item1508 MailerContrib: Cleaning up plaintext e-mail template, removing TEXTAREA
8522 Item1511 arguments to getScriptUrl in wrong order :-(
8434 Item1465 Fix 'TWiki.' to '%TWIKIEB%.'
8398 Item1460 polished up the comment a bit
8308 Item1362 moving mailnotify cron script
7848 Item1167 forced all mail operations to generate absolute URLs
7568 Item910 use SCRIPTURL{view} instead of complex url expr
6864 Item624 mailer templates moved the the right places
6861 Item624 Added proper templates support for plain text mails
6809 Item623 don't print anything if verbosity is switched off.
6659 Item528 Updated MailerContrib. it's working and the sendmail parameter is used.
6474 Item420 removed spurious remove_obsolete_locks from MailerContrib
5924 Item153 fix mail URL-fixing scheme
12496 Item3415 mailnotify did not send notifications to intranet users because of wrong call to findUser.
11672 Added newsletter support, after much harassment from TWiki:Main.LynnwoodBrown
11534 Item2153 Clarified docs. Item2698 Improved error reporting.
8808 Item1654 mailnotify must enter the command_line context
8625 Item1508 Making the dashes in the separatator clearer
8606 Item1508 MailerContrib: Brushing up HTML mailnotify template
8602 Item1508 MailerContrib: Cleaning up plaintext e-mail template, removing TEXTAREA
8522 Item1511 arguments to getScriptUrl in wrong order :-(
8434 Item1465 Fix 'TWiki.' to '%TWIKIEB%.'
8398 Item1460 polished up the comment a bit
8308 Item1362 moving mailnotify cron script
7848 Item1167 forced all mail operations to generate absolute URLs
7568 Item910 use SCRIPTURL{view} instead of complex url expr
6864 Item624 mailer templates moved the the right places
6861 Item624 Added proper templates support for plain text mails
6809 Item623 don't print anything if verbosity is switched off.
6659 Item528 Updated MailerContrib. it's working and the sendmail parameter is used.
6474 Item420 removed spurious remove_obsolete_locks from MailerContrib
5924 Item153 fix mail URL-fixing scheme
5269 Minor doc fixes
5266 Doc tidy-ups, added filtering of _ webs, added obsolete lock script
5264 Changed default to add web name to user name (I hope)
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.MailerContrib.