Difference: NewUserTemplate (17 vs. 18)

Revision 182012-09-16 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

My Links

Line: 7 to 7

My Personal Preferences


  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).
Line: 63 to 64

Personal Preferences


  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar of TopMenuSkin, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

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