Difference: QuerySearch (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92016-02-26 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

Query Search

Line: 160 to 160
%SEARCH{"Threat='Amber' AND text ~ '*cold virus*'"}%
Find all topics that have a parent topic called "Family" and provide a link with the Topic name that goes directly to the last attachment (by date) that was attached to that topic.
 "parent.name = 'Family'"
 format="| [[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/$topic/$percntCALC{\"$LISTITEM($LISTSIZE($query(attachments.name)), $query(attachments.name))\"}$percnt][$topic]] |"
  Related Topics: IfStatements, SearchHelp, VarIF, VarGET, VarSET, VarSEARCH, FormattedSearch, TWiki:TWiki.QuerySearchPatternCookbook
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.QuerySearch.