Difference: SearchPatternCookbook (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52007-01-14 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="FormattedSearch"

Search Pattern Cookbook

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Solution 1: Appropriate for Sep 2004 TWiki (Cairo)

Line: 116 to 116
  Which expands to this: (here limited to all Z* users because TWiki.org has so many)
This searches all topics in the Main web that contain "Name", "Email" and "Country" bullets. Alternatively, do a FormattedSearch with multiple="on" on the Main.TWikiUsers topic.
This searches all topics in the Main web that contain "Name", "Email" and "Country" bullets. Alternatively, do a FormattedSearch with multiple="on" on the Main.TWikiUsers topic.

Solution 2: As Solution 1, but with possibility for multi-selecting usernames

Line: 136 to 136
 Please note that the Search pattern is unchanged compared to Solution 1. The change is in the HTML form element.

The abovementioned modification is, in effect:

Line: 149 to 149
 When the User information is stored in a UserForm (as is default in Dakar) then this list can be generated as follows:
Number of topics: 177

Number of topics: 177

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.SearchPatternCookbook.