Difference: TWikiForms (26 vs. 27)

Revision 272011-10-01 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Forms


TWiki Forms - Foundation of TWiki Applications

  Add structure to content with forms attached to twiki topics. TWiki forms (with form fields) and formatted search are the base for building database applications.
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  1. Build an HTML form to create new topics based on that template topic
  2. Build a FormattedSearch to list topics that share the same form
TIP Tip: The blog How to Create a TWiki Application on TWiki.org is a good tutorial to get started with TWiki forms based applications.

Defining a Form

A Form Template specifies the fields in a form. A Form Template is simply a page containing a TWiki table, where each row of the table specifies one form field.

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  Attributes column: Attributes specifies special attributes for the field. Multiple attributes can be entered, separated by spaces.
  • An attribute H indicates that this field should not be shown in view mode. However, the field is available for editing and storing information.
  • An attribute H indicates that this field is hidden, e.g. not shown in view mode. However, the field is available for editing and storing information.
  • An attribute M indicates that this field is mandatory. The topic cannot be saved unless a value is provided for this field. If the field is found empty during topic save, an error is raised and the user is redirected to an oops page. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisks next to the field name.

For example, a simple form just supporting entry of a name and a date would look as follows:

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiForms.