Difference: TWikiMetaData (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92001-12-03 - MikeMannix

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Appendix B: TWiki Meta Data


TWiki Meta Data

Additional topic data, not editable from main freeform text box, stored in META variable name/value pairs
Additional topic data, program-generated or from TWikiForms, is stored in META variable name/value pairs


TWikiMetaData uses META variables to store topic data that's separate from the main free-form content. This includes program-generated info like FileAttachment data, and user-defined TWikiForms info.
TWikiMetaData uses META variables to store topic data that's separate from the main free-form content. This includes program-generated info like FileAttachment and topic movement data, and user-defined TWikiForms info. Use META variables to format and display Meta Data.

Meta Data Syntax

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 At present, there is no Meta Data support for Plugins. However, the format is readily extendable and the Meta.pm code that supports the format needs only minor alteration.

-- JohnTalintyre - 29 Aug 2001

-- MikeMannix - 02 Oct 2001
-- MikeMannix - 03 Dec 2001
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