Difference: TWikiPlugins (23 vs. 24)

Revision 242003-08-01 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki Plugins

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A Note on Performance

The performance of the system depends on the number of Plugins installed and on the Plugin implementation. Some Plugins impose no measurable performance decrease, some do. For example, outsidePREHandler is an expensive callback function, or a Plugin might use many Perl libraries that needs to be initialized with each page view (unless you run mod_perl). It is recommended to measure the performance with and without a new Plugin.
The performance of the system depends on the number of Plugins installed and on the Plugin implementation. Some Plugins impose no measurable performance decrease, some do. For example, outsidePREHandler is an expensive callback function, or a Plugin might use many Perl libraries that needs to be initialized with each page view (unless you run mod_perl). It is recommended to measure the performance with and without a new Plugin. Example for Unix:
time wget -qO /dev/null https://wiki.caida.org/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/AbcPlugin
  In case you need to install an "expensive" Plugin and you need its functionality only in one web you can place the Plugin topic into that web. TWiki will initialize the Plugin only if the Plugin topic is found (which won't be the case for other webs.)
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPlugins.