Difference: TWikiReleaseNotes06x00 (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42015-11-30 - TWikiContributor

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Release Notes of TWiki-6.0.2 (Jerusalem), 2015-11-29

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  TWiki-6.0.1 released on 2014-10-05 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs, including TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2014-7236 and TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2014-7237.
TWiki-6.0.2 released on 2015-11-29 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs.
TWiki-6.0.2 released on 2015-11-29 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs, including TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2014-9325 and TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2014-9367.

Feature Highlights

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