Difference: TWikiSite (22 vs. 23)

Revision 232003-12-16 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki is a Web-based collaboration platform

  • A TWiki site is an easy-to-use, full-featured open communications environment:
    • people anywhere on the Web or on an intranet can meet
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ALERT! If you have to log-in to use TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs pages you edit and create with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest.
TWikiTM is a trademark of PeterThoeny, originator and lead developer.
TWikiTM is a trademark of PeterThoeny - originator and lead developer.
  • TWiki is developed as Free Software under the GNU/GPL
  • TWiki has its root in the GPLed JosWiki. Many thanks to Markus Peter and Dave Harris for creating JosWiki!
-- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 May 2002
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 16 Dec 2003
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