Difference: TWikiStoreDotPm (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42007-01-16 - TWikiContributor

Line: 259 to 269

ObjectMethod repRev ($user,$web,$topic,$text,$meta,$options)

 Replace last (top) revision with different text.

Parameters and return value as saveTopic, except

  • $options - as for saveTopic, with the extra option:
    • timetravel - if we want to force the deposited revision to look as much like the revision specified in $rev as possible.
    • operation - set to the name of the operation performing the save. This is used only in the log, and is normally cmd or save. It defaults to save.
  Used to try to avoid the deposition of 'unecessary' revisions, for example where a user quickly goes back and fixes a spelling error.
Line: 517 to 534
 See getLease for more details about Leases.

ObjectMethod removeSpuriousLeases ($web)

Remove leases that are not related to a topic. These can get left behind in some store implementations when a topic is created, but never saved.

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