Difference: TWikiStoreDotPm (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52007-02-05 - TWikiContributor

Line: 51 to 51

ObjectMethod _findAttachments ($session,$web,$topic,$knownAttachments) -> @attachmentsFoundInPub

Synchronise the attachment list with what's actually on disk Returns an ARRAY of FILEATTACHMENTs. These can be put in the new meta using meta->put('FILEATTACHMENTS', $tree)

This function is only called when the AutoAttachPubFiles configuration option is set.

IDEA On Windows machines where the underlying filesystem can store arbitary meta data against files, this might replace/fulfil the COMMENT purpose

TODO consider logging when things are added to metadata


ObjectMethod readTopicRaw ($user,$web,$topic,$version) -> $topicText

Reads the given version of a topic, without separating out any embedded

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