Difference: TWikiSystemRequirements (1 vs. 43)

Revision 432018-07-15 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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 TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.

Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.8.0 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
Perl 5.10.1 or higher
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure Perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
Line: 47 to 47
File::Temp >=0.18 This version included in Perl 5.9.5. File::Temp needs to be updated on RedHat 5 and CentOS 5.
FileHandle >=2.01  
HTML::Parser >=3.28 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
HTML::Entities >=1.25 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
HTML::Entities >=1.25 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing; part of the HTML::Parser package.
IO::File >=1.10  
LWP   Needed to install extensions in TWiki configure
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
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Crypt::SMIME >=0.09 Required if S/MIME-signed administrative e-mail is enabled.
JSON >=0 Required if JSON objects are stored and retrieved in SetGetPlugin
JSON >=2.0 Required if TWikiSheetPlugin is used, or if JSON objects are stored and retrieved in SetGetPlugin
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
URI   Used for configure

Revision 422015-11-29 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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Perl 5.8.0 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure Perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
GNU fgrep, egrep Modify command line parameters in configure if you use non-GNU grep programs
zip Zip archive command line utility. Used by the BackupRestorePlugin to create and restore from backups.
Line: 30 to 30
  See TWiki:TWiki.HowToInstallCpanModules for detailed information on how to install CPAN libraries
The following Perl CPAN modules are used by TWiki:
The following Perl CPAN modules are used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version Comment
Algorithm::Diff   Included in TWiki distribution
CGI >=3.18 Versions 2.89 and 3.37 must be avoided. Most version from 3.15 and onwards should work.
CGI >=3.18 & <=4.03 A suitable version ships with TWiki since TWiki-6.0.2 using CgiContrib, e.g. it is no longer necessary to install or downgrade this module. Versions 2.89 and 3.37, as well as version > 4.13 must be avoided.
CGI::Carp >=1.26  
Config >=0  
Cwd >=3.05  
Line: 49 to 49
HTML::Parser >=3.28 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
HTML::Entities >=1.25 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
IO::File >=1.10  
LWP   Needed to install extensions in TWiki configure
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Text::Diff   Included in TWiki distribution
Time::Local >=1.11  
Line: 67 to 68
Crypt::SMIME >=0.09 Required if S/MIME-signed administrative e-mail is enabled.
JSON >=0 Required if JSON objects are stored and retrieved in SetGetPlugin
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
URI   Used for configure

Revision 412013-09-25 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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  • HTML 3.2 compliant
  • Cookies, if persistent sessions are required
CSS and Javascript are used in most skins, although there is a low-fat skin (Classic skin) available that minimises these requirements. Some skins will require more recent releases of browsers. The default skin (Pattern) is tested on IE 6, Safari, and Mozilla 5.0 based browsers (such as Firefox).
CSS and Javascript are used in most skins, although there is a low-fat skin (Classic skin) available that minimizes these requirements. Some skins will require more recent releases of browsers. The default skin (Pattern) is tested on IE 6, Safari, and Mozilla 5.0 based browsers (such as Firefox).
SMELL: what are some actual known good version number requirements for these browsers (eg, FireFox 1.0, or 1.0.3, or 1.0.7, or ???), etc.

Revision 402012-04-12 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.8.0 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure Perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
Line: 44 to 44
File::Copy >=2.06  
File::Find >=1.05  
File::Spec >=3.05  
File::Temp >=0.18 Included with perl 5.6 and later
File::Temp >=0.18 This version included in Perl 5.9.5. File::Temp needs to be updated on RedHat 5 and CentOS 5.
FileHandle >=2.01  
HTML::Parser >=3.28 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
HTML::Entities >=1.25 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
Line: 99 to 99

Important note about TWiki Plugins

  • Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
  Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory

Revision 392011-08-13 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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Server Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.

Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.6.1 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
Perl 5.8.0 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
GNU fgrep, egrep Modify command line parameters in configure if you use non-GNU grep programs
zip Zip archive command line utility. Used by the BackupRestorePlugin to create and restore from backups.
Cron/scheduler • Unix: cron
• Windows: cron equivalents
<-- SMELL: Macintosh version? -->
Web server Apache is well supported; see TWiki:TWiki.InstallingTWiki#OtherWebServers for other servers

Required CPAN Modules

The following Perl modules are used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version
Algorithm::Diff (included in TWiki distribution)  
CGI::Carp >=1.26
Config >=0
Cwd >=3.05
Data::Dumper >=2.121
Encode >=2.1
Error (included in TWiki distribution)  
File::Copy >=2.06
File::Find >=1.05
File::Spec >=3.05
File::Temp (included with perl 5.6 and later)
FileHandle >=2.01
IO::File >=1.10
Text::Diff (included in TWiki distribution)  
Time::Local >=1.11
Most of the CPAN libraries listesd below are part of a standard Perl installation so you most likely have them all!

See TWiki:TWiki.HowToInstallCpanModules for detailed information on how to install CPAN libraries

The following Perl CPAN modules are used by TWiki:

Module Preferred version Comment
Algorithm::Diff   Included in TWiki distribution
CGI >=3.18 Versions 2.89 and 3.37 must be avoided. Most version from 3.15 and onwards should work.
CGI::Carp >=1.26  
Config >=0  
Cwd >=3.05  
Data::Dumper >=2.121  
Encode >=2.1  
Error   Included in TWiki distribution
File::Copy >=2.06  
File::Find >=1.05  
File::Spec >=3.05  
File::Temp >=0.18 Included with perl 5.6 and later
FileHandle >=2.01  
HTML::Parser >=3.28 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
HTML::Entities >=1.25 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
IO::File >=1.10  
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Text::Diff   Included in TWiki distribution
Time::Local >=1.11  

Optional CPAN Modules

 The following Perl modules may be used by TWiki:
See TWiki:TWiki.HowToInstallCpanModules for detailed information on how to install CPAN libraries
Module Preferred version Description
CGI::Cookie >=1.24 Used for session support
CGI::Session >=3.95 Used for session support
Jcode   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Unicode::Map   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::MapUTF8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::String   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
URI   Used for configure
Archive::Tar   May be required by the Extensions Installer in configure if command line tar or unzip is not available
Authen::SASL   Used for SMTP Authentication
CGI::Cookie >=1.24 Used for session support
CGI::Session >=3.95 Used for session support
Crypt::SMIME >=0.09 Required if S/MIME-signed administrative e-mail is enabled.
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
URI   Used for configure
  Most of them will probably already be available in your installation. You can check version numbers with the configure script, or if you're still trying to get to that point, check from the command line like this:
Line: 84 to 99

Important note about TWiki Plugins

  • Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
  Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory

Revision 382008-12-09 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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Required CPAN Modules

The following Perl modules are used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version
Algorithm::Diff (included)  
CGI::Carp >=1.26
Config >=0
Cwd >=3.05
Data::Dumper >=2.121
Error (included)  
File::Copy >=2.06
File::Find >=1.05
File::Spec >=3.05
Algorithm::Diff (included in TWiki distribution)  
CGI::Carp >=1.26
Config >=0
Cwd >=3.05
Data::Dumper >=2.121
Encode >=2.1
Error (included in TWiki distribution)  
File::Copy >=2.06
File::Find >=1.05
File::Spec >=3.05
File::Temp (included with perl 5.6 and later)
FileHandle >=2.01
IO::File >=1.10
Text::Diff (included)  
Time::Local >=1.11
FileHandle >=2.01
IO::File >=1.10
Text::Diff (included in TWiki distribution)  
Time::Local >=1.11

Optional CPAN Modules

The following Perl modules may be used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version Description
CGI::Cookie >=1.24 Used for session support
CGI::Session >=3.95 Used for session support
CGI::Cookie >=1.24 Used for session support
CGI::Session >=3.95 Used for session support
Jcode   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Unicode::Map   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::MapUTF8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6

Revision 372007-05-04 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements


TWiki System Requirements

  Server and client requirements

Low client and server base requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions. Many Plugins and contrib modules exist which enhance and expand TWiki's capabilities; they may have additional requirements.


Server Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.

Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
Perl 5.6.1 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
Line: 77 to 78
 SMELL: what are some actual known good version number requirements for these browsers (eg, FireFox 1.0, or 1.0.3, or 1.0.7, or ???), etc. -->
You can easily select a balance of browser capability versus look and feel. Try the installed skins at TWikiSkinBrowser and more at TWiki:Plugins.SkinPackage.
You can easily select a balance of browser capability versus look and feel. Try the installed skins at TWikiSkinBrowser and more at TWiki:Plugins.SkinPackage.

Important note about TWiki Plugins

  • Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
    • TIP Note: Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements, except for the CommentPlugin which requires Perl 5.6.1.
  Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory

Revision 362006-09-11 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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CGI::Session >=3.95 Used for session support
Jcode   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Jcode   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Unicode::Map   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::MapUTF8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::String   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::MapUTF8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::String   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
URI   Used for configure

Most of them will probably already be available in your installation. You can check version numbers with the configure script, or if you're still trying to get to that point, check from the command line like this:

Revision 352006-09-11 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
Other external programs fgrep, egrep
GNU fgrep, egrep Modify command line parameters in configure if you use non-GNU grep programs
Cron/scheduler • Unix: cron
• Windows: cron equivalents
<-- SMELL: Macintosh version? -->
Web server Apache is well supported; see TWiki:TWiki.InstallingTWiki#OtherWebServers for other servers

Revision 342005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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File::Copy >=2.06
File::Find >=1.05
File::Spec >=3.05
File::Temp (included with perl 5.6 and later)
FileHandle >=2.01
IO::File >=1.10
Text::Diff (included)  

Revision 332005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
Other external programs fgrep, egrep
Cron/scheduler • Unix: cron
• Windows: cron equivalents
<-- SMELL: Macintosh version? -->
Web server Apache is well supported; see TWiki:TWiki.InstallingTWiki#OtherWebServers for other servers

Revision 322005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Sep-2004
Server and client requirements
Low client and server requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions.
Low client and server base requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions. Many Plugins and contrib modules exist which enhance and expand TWiki's capabilities; they may have additional requirements.

Server Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.

Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended, 5.8.x does work in most cases, but see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithPerl5dot8)
Non-standard Perl modules • Unix: Net::SMTP (or sendmail)
• Windows: Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
• Internationalisation: Unicode::MapUTF8   (only for non-ISO-8859-1 sites using TWiki:Codev.EncodeURLsWithUTF8 with Perl 5.6 or lower)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl RCS replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev.RcsLite
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
Other external programs fgrep, egrep
Cron/scheduler • Unix: cron
• Windows: cron equivalents
Web server Apache 1.3 is well supported; Apache 2.0 is not recommended yet (see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithApache2dot0).
For other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path info required; also, the register script is likely to need significant changes
Cron/scheduler • Unix: cron
• Windows: cron equivalents
<-- SMELL: Macintosh version? -->
Web server Apache is well supported; see TWiki:TWiki.InstallingTWiki#OtherWebServers for other servers
ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide. See TWiki:Codev.TWikiOn for help with installation on various platforms including Unix, MacOS X, Apache mod_perl, web hosts, etc.

Required CPAN Modules

The following Perl modules are used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version
Algorithm::Diff (included)  
CGI::Carp >=1.26
Config >=0
Cwd >=3.05
Data::Dumper >=2.121
Error (included)  
File::Copy >=2.06
File::Find >=1.05
File::Spec >=3.05
FileHandle >=2.01
IO::File >=1.10
Text::Diff (included)  
Time::Local >=1.11

Optional CPAN Modules

The following Perl modules may be used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version Description
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
URI   Used for configure
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Jcode   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::Map8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::MapUTF8   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Unicode::String   Used for I18N support with perl 5.6
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
CGI::Cookie >=1.24 Used for session support
CGI::Session >=3.95 Used for session support

Most of them will probably already be available in your installation. You can check version numbers with the configure script, or if you're still trying to get to that point, check from the command line like this:

perl -e 'use FileHandle; print $FileHandle::VERSION."\n"'
SMELL: perhaps put download link to TWiki:Plugins.CpanContrib? (which 
also includes prebuilt versions of all of the CPAN modules used by 
all of the plugins checked into SVN)

Client Requirements

The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements:
The TWiki standard installation has relatively low browser requirements:
  • HTML 3.2 compliant
  • generates XHTML 1.0 pages that are compatible with HTML 3.2
  • minimal use of JavaScript in the user interface (degrades gracefully)
  • no cookies
  • no CSS (if the ClassicSkin is used)
  • Cookies, if persistent sessions are required
You can easily add functionality, by customizing TWikiTemplates, for one, while tailoring the browser requirements to your situation.
CSS and Javascript are used in most skins, although there is a low-fat skin (Classic skin) available that minimises these requirements. Some skins will require more recent releases of browsers. The default skin (Pattern) is tested on IE 6, Safari, and Mozilla 5.0 based browsers (such as Firefox).
SMELL: what are some actual known good version number requirements for these browsers (eg, FireFox 1.0, or 1.0.3, or 1.0.7, or ???), etc.

Known Issues

You can easily select a balance of browser capability versus look and feel. Try the installed skins at TWikiSkinBrowser and more at TWiki:Plugins.SkinPackage.
  • The TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
    • HELP Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements.

Important note about TWiki Plugins

-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004
  • Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
    • TIP Note: Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements, except for the CommentPlugin which requires Perl 5.6.1.
META TOPICMOVED by="PeterThoeny" date="1042701667" from="TWiki.TWikiImplementationNotes" to="TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements"
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory

Revision 312004-08-16 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Feb-2003
Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Sep-2004
  Low client and server requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions.
Line: 31 to 31
  • generates XHTML 1.0 pages that are compatible with HTML 3.2
  • minimal use of JavaScript in the user interface (degrades gracefully)
  • no cookies
  • no CSS
  You can easily add functionality, by customizing TWikiTemplates, for one, while tailoring the browser requirements to your situation.

Revision 302004-08-15 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

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 TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.

Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended, 5.8.0 not recommended yet, see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithPerl5dot8)
Non-standard Perl modules • Unix: Net::SMTP (or sendmail)
• Windows: Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended, 5.8.x does work in most cases, but see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithPerl5dot8)
Non-standard Perl modules • Unix: Net::SMTP (or sendmail)
• Windows: Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
• Internationalisation: Unicode::MapUTF8   (only for non-ISO-8859-1 sites using TWiki:Codev.EncodeURLsWithUTF8 with Perl 5.6 or lower)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl RCS replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev.RcsLite
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
Other external programs fgrep, egrep
Line: 41 to 41
    • HELP Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements.

-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 16 Dec 2003
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004
META TOPICMOVED by="PeterThoeny" date="1042701667" from="TWiki.TWikiImplementationNotes" to="TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements"

Revision 292003-12-16 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

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  TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows*
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended,
5.8.0 not recommended yet, see TWiki:Codev.UsingPerl58OnRedHat8)
Non-standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl RCS replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev.RcsLite.
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Cron/scheduler cron cron equivalents
Web server Apache 1.3 is well supported; Apache 2.0 is not recommended yet (see TWiki:Support.FailedAuthenticationWithApache2OnWinNT).
For other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path required
Resource Required Server Environment *
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended, 5.8.0 not recommended yet, see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithPerl5dot8)
Non-standard Perl modules • Unix: Net::SMTP (or sendmail)
• Windows: Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl RCS replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev.RcsLite
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
Other external programs fgrep, egrep
Cron/scheduler • Unix: cron
• Windows: cron equivalents
Web server Apache 1.3 is well supported; Apache 2.0 is not recommended yet (see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithApache2dot0).
For other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path info required; also, the register script is likely to need significant changes
  ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide. See TWiki:Codev.TWikiOn for help with installation on various platforms including Unix, MacOS X, Apache mod_perl, web hosts, etc.
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  • The TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
    • HELP Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements.

-- MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 16 Dec 2003
META TOPICMOVED by="PeterThoeny" date="1042701667" from="TWiki.TWikiImplementationNotes" to="TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements"

Revision 282003-02-02 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Feb-2003 (pending release)
Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Feb-2003
  Low client and server requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions.

Revision 272003-01-30 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

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Cron/scheduler cron cron equivalents
Web server Apache 1.3 is well supported; Apache 2.0 is not recommended yet (see TWiki:Support.FailedAuthenticationWithApache2OnWinNT).
For other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path required
ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See TWiki:Codev.WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide. See TWiki:Codev.TWikiOn for help with installation on various platforms including Unix, MacOS X, Apache mod_perl, web hosts, etc.
ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide. See TWiki:Codev.TWikiOn for help with installation on various platforms including Unix, MacOS X, Apache mod_perl, web hosts, etc.

Client Requirements

Revision 262003-01-25 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

Line: 13 to 13
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows*
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended)
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended,
5.8.0 not recommended yet, see TWiki:Codev.UsingPerl58OnRedHat8)
Non-standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev/RcsLite.
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when TWiki's uses RCS binaries.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl RCS replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev.RcsLite.
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Cron/scheduler cron cron equivalents
Web server Apache is well supported; for other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path required
Web server Apache 1.3 is well supported; Apache 2.0 is not recommended yet (see TWiki:Support.FailedAuthenticationWithApache2OnWinNT).
For other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path required
ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide.
ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See TWiki:Codev.WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide. See TWiki:Codev.TWikiOn for help with installation on various platforms including Unix, MacOS X, Apache mod_perl, web hosts, etc.

Client Requirements

Line: 38 to 38

Known Issues

  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
  • The TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
    • HELP Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements.

-- MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002

Revision 252003-01-16 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki System Requirements

Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Dec-2001
Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Feb-2003 (pending release)
  Low client and server requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions.
Line: 13 to 13
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows*
Perl 5.005_03 or higher
Perl 5.005_03 or higher (5.6.1 recommended)
Non-standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
RCS 5.7 or higher
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, but the all-Perl replacement is not currently recommended for live sites - see TWiki:Codev/RcsLite.
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when TWiki's uses RCS binaries.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache; others (with CGI support, authentication, extended path)
Cron/scheduler cron cron equivalents
Web server Apache is well supported; for other servers, CGI support, authentication, extended path required
ALERT! * Current documentation covers Linux/Apache only. See TWiki:Codev/TWikiOnWindows for work-to-date on a Windows installation guide.
ALERT! * Current documentation mainly covers Linux and Apache installations. See WindowsInstallCookbook for a Windows installation guide.

Client Requirements

Line: 40 to 42
    • HELP Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements.

-- MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002

META TOPICMOVED by="PeterThoeny" date="1042701667" from="TWiki.TWikiImplementationNotes" to="TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements"

Revision 242002-01-13 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki System Requirements

Server and client system requirements for TWiki 01-Dec-2001
Server and client requirements for TWiki 01-Dec-2001


Maintaining minimum client and server requirements is necessary to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible.

Low client and server requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions.

Server Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements:
TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows
Resource Unix Windows*
Perl 5.005_03 or higher
Non standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
Non-standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
RCS 5.7 or higher
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache; others (with support for CGI, authentication, extended path) *
Web server Apache; others (with CGI support, authentication, extended path)
Current documentation covers Linux only. A TWikiOnWindows installation guide is next.
ALERT! * Current documentation covers Linux/Apache only. See TWiki:Codev/TWikiOnWindows for work-to-date on a Windows installation guide.

Client Requirements

The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements:

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  • no cookies
  • no CSS
You can easily add capabilities, through customizing the templates, for one, while tailoring the browser requirements to your situation.
You can easily add functionality, by customizing TWikiTemplates, for one, while tailoring the browser requirements to your situation.

Known Issues

  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), DHTML, Java applets, cookies.
  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything - browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java applets, cookies, specific Perl modules,... - check the individual Plugin specs.
    • HELP Plugins included in the TWiki distribution do not add requirements.
-- MikeMannix - 08 Jan 2002
-- MikeMannix - 12 Jan 2002

Revision 232002-01-09 - MikeMannix

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TWiki System Requirements

Server and client system requirements for TWiki 01-Sep-2001
Server and client system requirements for TWiki 01-Dec-2001


Line: 39 to 39
  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), DHTML, Java applets, cookies.
-- MikeMannix - 15 Sep 2001
-- MikeMannix - 08 Jan 2002

Revision 222001-09-15 - MikeMannix

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Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote

TWiki System Requirements

Server and client system requirements of TWiki 01-Sep-2001
Server and client system requirements for TWiki 01-Sep-2001


Maintaining minimum client and server requirements is necessary to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible.


Server-Side Requirements


Server Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses a number of shell commands. It requires GNU RCS (Revision Control System) to be installed on the same system. TWiki is developed in a standard Linux/Apache environment. It can also work with Microsoft Windows and other platforms.
TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements:
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows
Line: 23 to 21
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache; others (with support for CGI, authentication, extended path) *
Current documentation covers Linux only. Compiling a basic TWikiOnWindows installation guide is an ongoing effort.
Current documentation covers Linux only. A TWikiOnWindows installation guide is next.

Client-Side Requirements


Client Requirements

The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements:
The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements:
  • HTML 3.2 compliant
  • generates XHTML 1.0 pages that are compatible with HTML 3.2
  • minimal use of JavaScript in the user interface (degrades gracefully)
  • no cookies
  • no CSS
TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.
You can easily add capabilities, through customizing the templates, for one, while tailoring the browser requirements to your situation.

Known Issues

  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have any compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java, cookies, etc.
  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), DHTML, Java applets, cookies.
-- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001
-- MikeMannix - 15 Sep 2001

Revision 212001-09-14 - PeterThoeny

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Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote

TWiki System Requirements

Revision 202001-09-09 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Requirements


TWiki System Requirements

Server and client system requirements; file system structure
Server and client system requirements of TWiki 01-Sep-2001


Revision 192001-09-08 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Application Environment


TWiki Requirements

  Server and client system requirements; file system structure
Line: 34 to 34
  TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.

Known Issues


Known Issues

  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have any compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java, cookies, etc.

TWiki File System

You can rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:

Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file, main library, Perl system modules, Plugins
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files included in the current 01-Sep-2001 distribution, organized by TWiki root directories.

Files in twiki

Application info and the current reference documentation. Full file list:

File: Used for:
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install
license.txt GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline

Files in twiki/bin

Perl CGI scripts. Full file list:

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
rename Script to rename/move topics and move attachments
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment

Files under twiki/lib

The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain configuration, library and function files, and TWikiPlugins. Full file list:

File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Form.pm Form handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Handles some legacy rules
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Use aliases as links for predefined URLs

Files under twiki/pub

The pub directory stores data-related files, including images used by TWiki and FileAttachments. Attachments are stored in sub-directories created with the related topic name. Partial file list:

File: Used for:
favicon.ico ICO file
twikilogo.gif GIF file
twikilogo1.gif GIF file
twikilogo2.gif GIF file
twikilogo3.gif GIF file
twikilogo4.gif GIF file
wikiHome.gif GIF file
icn/_filetypes.txt GIF file
icn/bat.gif GIF file
icn/bmp.gif GIF file
... ...
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt TEXT file
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif GIF file
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif GIF file

Files under twiki/data

TWiki page data stored as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution includes four start-up webs - Main, TWiki, Know, Test - with documentation and demo content, and a _default directory containing all topics required to start a new web. Partial file list:

File: Used for:
.htpasswd Basic Authentication (htaccess) password file
debug.txt Program messages useful for debugging
mime.types Recognized file formats
warning.txt Diagnostic messages for identifying problems
_default directory can be copied to empty directory when creating new Webs
_default/.changes Web-level record of topic changes
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent topic changes in web
_default/WebChanges.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebHome.txt Default web home page
_default/WebHome.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebIndex.txt Lists all topics in a web
_default/WebIndex.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebNotify.txt Subscribe/unsubscribe to web changes email alert
_default/WebNotify.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebPreferences.txt Web-level preference settings
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebSearch.txt Web-level search options
_default/WebSearch.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebStatistics.txt Generates web usage statistics
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
... ...

Files in twiki/templates

Templates used to control appearance of all rendered pages. Full file list:

File: Used for:
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl Error message
attachagain.tmpl Control screen
attachnew.tmpl Control screen
changeform.tmpl Control screen
changes.tmpl Displays WebChanges list of recently changed topics
edit.iejs.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl Main edit window
mailnotify.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl Control screen
oopsaccesschange.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessrename.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessview.tmpl Error message
oopsauth.tmpl Error message
attach.tmpl Error message
oopschangepasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsempty.tmpl Error message
oopslocked.tmpl Error message
oopslockedrename.tmpl Error message
oopsmissing.tmpl Error message
oopsmoveerr.tmpl Error message
oopsnoformdef.tmpl Error message
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl Error message
oopsnoweb.tmpl Error message
oopspreview.tmpl Error message
oopsregexist.tmpl Error message
oopsregpasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsregrequ.tmpl Error message
oopsregthanks.tmpl Error message
oopsregwiki.tmpl Error message
oopsrenameerr.tmpl Error message
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsrev.tmpl Error message
oopssave.tmpl Error message
oopssaveerr.tmpl Error message
oopssendmailerr.tmpl Error message
oopstopicexists.tmpl Error message
oopsupload.tmpl Error message
oopswrongpassword.tmpl Error message
preview.tmpl Preview Changes screen
rdiff.tmpl Displays text changes before & after (Diffs)
register.tmpl Registration page
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
renamebase.tmpl Used by other rename templates
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirms a pre-specified rename, ex: undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, but some references not changed (topics were locked)
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl Search results with full topic content
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl Used by rename to list references to topic being renamed
twiki.tmpl Base template definitions used by other templates
view.plain.tmpl Alternate topic header/footer view
view.print.tmpl Alternate topic header/footer view
view.tmpl Main topic view
 -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 182001-09-08 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Operating Environment


TWiki Application Environment

Server and client system requirements, file system structure
Server and client system requirements; file system structure


Line: 52 to 52

File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted.
A rundown of the individual files included in the current 01-Sep-2001 distribution, organized by TWiki root directories.

Files in twiki

Introductory and installation files.
Application info and the current reference documentation. Full file list:
File: Used for:
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install
license.txt GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs.
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline

Files in twiki/bin

All Perl CGI scripts.
Perl CGI scripts. Full file list:
File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
Line: 94 to 94

Files under twiki/lib

The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins.
The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain configuration, library and function files, and TWikiPlugins. Full file list:
File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
Line: 108 to 108
TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Handles some legacy rules
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Use aliases as links for predefined URLs

Files under twiki/pub

attachments like images...
The pub directory stores data-related files, including images used by TWiki and FileAttachments. Attachments are stored in sub-directories created with the related topic name. Partial file list:
File: Used for:
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
twikilogo2.gif xxxx
twikilogo3.gif xxxx
twikilogo4.gif xxxx
wikiHome.gif xxxx
icn/_filetypes.txt xxxx
icn/bat.gif xxxx
icn/bmp.gif xxxx
icn/c.gif xxxx
icn/dll.gif xxxx
icn/doc.gif xxxx
icn/else.gif xxxx
icn/exe.gif xxxx
icn/fon.gif xxxx
icn/h.gif xxxx
icn/hlp.gif xxxx
icn/html.gif xxxx
icn/java.gif xxxx
icn/mov.gif xxxx
icn/pdf.gif xxxx
icn/pl.gif xxxx
icn/ppt.gif xxxx
icn/ps.gif xxxx
icn/py.gif xxxx
icn/ram.gif xxxx
icn/reg.gif xxxx
icn/sh.gif xxxx
icn/sniff.gif xxxx
icn/ttf.gif xxxx
icn/txt.gif xxxx
icn/wav.gif xxxx
icn/wri.gif xxxx
icn/xls.gif xxxx
icn/zip.gif xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL/W32PTH10.DLL xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx
favicon.ico ICO file
twikilogo.gif GIF file
twikilogo1.gif GIF file
twikilogo2.gif GIF file
twikilogo3.gif GIF file
twikilogo4.gif GIF file
wikiHome.gif GIF file
icn/_filetypes.txt GIF file
icn/bat.gif GIF file
icn/bmp.gif GIF file
... ...
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt TEXT file
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif GIF file
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif GIF file

Files under twiki/data

The data directory stores TWiki page data as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, with a number of pages of documentation and demo content. This is a representative partial file listing...
TWiki page data stored as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution includes four start-up webs - Main, TWiki, Know, Test - with documentation and demo content, and a _default directory containing all topics required to start a new web. Partial file list:
File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
.htpasswd Basic Authentication (htaccess) password file
debug.txt Program messages useful for debugging
mime.types Recognized file formats
warning.txt Diagnostic messages for identifying problems
_default directory can be copied to empty directory when creating new Webs
_default/.changes Record of topic changes recorded here
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent changes
_default/WebChanges.txt,v History
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Know/TopicClassification.txt xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt,v xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/OfficeLocations.txt xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt,v xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/TWikiGuest.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Test/TestTopic1.txt xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Trash/WebHome.txt xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/.changes Web-level record of topic changes
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent topic changes in web
_default/WebChanges.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebHome.txt Default web home page
_default/WebHome.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebIndex.txt Lists all topics in a web
_default/WebIndex.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebNotify.txt Subscribe/unsubscribe to web changes email alert
_default/WebNotify.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebPreferences.txt Web-level preference settings
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebSearch.txt Web-level search options
_default/WebSearch.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebStatistics.txt Generates web usage statistics
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
... ...

Files in twiki/templates

Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages...
Templates used to control appearance of all rendered pages. Full file list:
File: Used for:
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl xxxx
attachagain.tmpl xxxx
attachnew.tmpl xxxx
changeform.tmpl xxxx
changes.tmpl xxxx
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl Error message
attachagain.tmpl Control screen
attachnew.tmpl Control screen
changeform.tmpl Control screen
changes.tmpl Displays WebChanges list of recently changed topics
edit.iejs.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl Main edit window
mailnotify.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccesschange.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessview.tmpl xxxx
oopsauth.tmpl xxxx
attach.tmpl xxxx
oopschangepasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsempty.tmpl xxxx
oopslocked.tmpl xxxx
oopslockedrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsmissing.tmpl xxxx
oopsmoveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoformdef.tmpl xxxx
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoweb.tmpl xxxx
oopspreview.tmpl xxxx
oopsregexist.tmpl xxxx
oopsregpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsregrequ.tmpl xxxx
oopsregthanks.tmpl xxxx
oopsregwiki.tmpl xxxx
oopsrenameerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsrev.tmpl xxxx
oopssave.tmpl xxxx
oopssaveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopssendmailerr.tmpl xxxx
oopstopicexists.tmpl xxxx
oopsupload.tmpl xxxx
oopswrongpassword.tmpl xxxx
preview.tmpl xxxx
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl Control screen
oopsaccesschange.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessrename.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessview.tmpl Error message
oopsauth.tmpl Error message
attach.tmpl Error message
oopschangepasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsempty.tmpl Error message
oopslocked.tmpl Error message
oopslockedrename.tmpl Error message
oopsmissing.tmpl Error message
oopsmoveerr.tmpl Error message
oopsnoformdef.tmpl Error message
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl Error message
oopsnoweb.tmpl Error message
oopspreview.tmpl Error message
oopsregexist.tmpl Error message
oopsregpasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsregrequ.tmpl Error message
oopsregthanks.tmpl Error message
oopsregwiki.tmpl Error message
oopsrenameerr.tmpl Error message
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsrev.tmpl Error message
oopssave.tmpl Error message
oopssaveerr.tmpl Error message
oopssendmailerr.tmpl Error message
oopstopicexists.tmpl Error message
oopsupload.tmpl Error message
oopswrongpassword.tmpl Error message
preview.tmpl Preview Changes screen
rdiff.tmpl Displays text changes before & after (Diffs)
register.tmpl Registration page
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
renamebase.tmpl Used by other rename templates
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirming a pre-specified rename e.g. when undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, still some references to change (topcis were previously locked)
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirms a pre-specified rename, ex: undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, but some references not changed (topics were locked)
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl Search results with full topic content
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl Used by rename to list references to topic being renamed
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx
view.tmpl xxxx
twiki.tmpl Base template definitions used by other templates
view.plain.tmpl Alternate topic header/footer view
view.print.tmpl Alternate topic header/footer view
view.tmpl Main topic view
  -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 172001-09-07 - JohnTalintyre

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Operating Environment

Line: 101 to 101
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Form.pm Form handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
Line: 171 to 172
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
_default/.changes xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
_default directory can be copied to empty directory when creating new Webs
_default/.changes Record of topic changes recorded here
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent changes
_default/WebChanges.txt,v History
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Line: 273 to 275
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl xxxx
renamebase.tmpl xxxx
renameconfirm.tmpl xxxx
renamerefs.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
renamebase.tmpl Used by other rename templates
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirming a pre-specified rename e.g. when undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, still some references to change (topcis were previously locked)
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl Used by rename to list references to topic being renamed
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx

Revision 162001-09-07 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Operating Environment


TWiki Operating Environment

  Server and client system requirements, file system structure




  Maintaining minimum client and server requirements is necessary to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible.

Server-Side Requirements


Server-Side Requirements

  TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses a number of shell commands. It requires GNU RCS (Revision Control System) to be installed on the same system. TWiki is developed in a standard Linux/Apache environment. It can also work with Microsoft Windows and other platforms.
Line: 23 to 23
  Current documentation covers Linux only. Compiling a basic TWikiOnWindows installation guide is an ongoing effort.

Client-Side Requirements


Client-Side Requirements

  The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements:
Line: 34 to 34
  TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.

Known Issues


Known Issues

  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have any compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java, cookies, etc.

TWiki File System


TWiki File System

  You can rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
Line: 50 to 50
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

File Descriptions


File Descriptions

  A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted.

Files in twiki

Files in twiki

  Introductory and installation files.
Line: 67 to 67
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline

Files in twiki/bin

Files in twiki/bin

  All Perl CGI scripts.
Line: 92 to 92
viewfile Script to view an file attachment

Files under twiki/lib

Files under twiki/lib

  The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins.
Line: 112 to 112
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites

Files under twiki/pub

Files under twiki/pub

  attachments like images...
Line: 162 to 162
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx

Files under twiki/data

Files under twiki/data

  The data directory stores TWiki page data as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, with a number of pages of documentation and demo content. This is a representative partial file listing...
Line: 224 to 224
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Files in twiki/templates

Files in twiki/templates

  Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages...

Revision 152001-09-05 - JohnTalintyre

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Operating Environment

Line: 16 to 16
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows
Perl 5.005_03 or higher
Non standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
Non standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP, MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1
RCS 5.7 or higher
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache; others (with support for CGI, authentication, extended path) *

Revision 142001-09-05 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Operating Environment

Server and client system requirements, file system structure
Server and client system requirements, file system structure


Low requirements on client-side and server-side environment, to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible is a key element of the TWikiMission. Strict W3C and ECMA standards compliance is also a mandate. These requirements are amended from time to time as technology progresses.
Maintaining minimum client and server requirements is necessary to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible.

Server-Side Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses a number of shell commands. It requires that GNU RCS (Revision Control System) be installed on the same system. Current development is on Linux. the recommended platform, but it can also work with Microsoft Windows and other OS.
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses a number of shell commands. It requires GNU RCS (Revision Control System) to be installed on the same system. TWiki is developed in a standard Linux/Apache environment. It can also work with Microsoft Windows and other platforms.
Required Server Environment by Platform
Required Server Environment
Resource Unix Windows
Perl 5.005_03 or higher
Non standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 or higher
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache and others (support for cgi, authentication, extended path) *
OS versions Linux, Unix... every last Win?!
Required disk space    
Web server Apache; others (with support for CGI, authentication, extended path) *
ISP INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: SSI, RCS local or sysadmin, same for perl modules for plugins, cron, basic authentication,...
Current documentation covers Linux only. Compiling a basic TWikiOnWindows installation guide is an ongoing effort.

Client-Side Requirements


Client-Side Requirements

The basic TWiki engine and templates have a low requirement on the browser:
The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements:
Recommend PC Requirement
Component Min/Rec
  • HTML 3.2 compliant
  • minimal use of JavaScript in the user interface (degrades gracefully)
  • no cookies
  • no CSS
Browser Requirements
Resource Details
HTML 3.2 browser  
JavaScript 1.? Optional: JS degrades gracefully
Cookies Not used
CSS1/2 ????
TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.
  • TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.

Known Issues


Known Issues

  • Some TWikiSkins may require more, like cookies and JavaScript
  • At present, contributed Plugins are not checked against compatibility standards, and may require anything imaginable: browser-specific functions, Java, cookies, CSS, etc.
  • The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have any compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java, cookies, etc.

TWiki File System

You can rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
You can rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file, main library, Perl system modules, Plugins
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file, main library, Perl system modules, Plugins
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

File Descriptions


File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. Note that there may be minor differences in the start-up data files. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted.
A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted.

Files in twiki

Files in twiki
  Introductory and installation files.

File: Used for:
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install
license.txt GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs.
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install
license.txt GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs.
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline

Files in twiki/bin

Files in twiki/bin
  All Perl CGI scripts.

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
rename Script to rename/move topics and move attachments
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
rename Script to rename/move topics and move attachments
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment

Files under twiki/lib

Files under twiki/lib
The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins.
The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins.
File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites

Files under twiki/pub

Files under twiki/pub
  attachments like images...

File: Used for:
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
twikilogo2.gif xxxx
twikilogo3.gif xxxx
twikilogo4.gif xxxx
wikiHome.gif xxxx
icn/_filetypes.txt xxxx
icn/bat.gif xxxx
icn/bmp.gif xxxx
icn/c.gif xxxx
icn/dll.gif xxxx
icn/doc.gif xxxx
icn/else.gif xxxx
icn/exe.gif xxxx
icn/fon.gif xxxx
icn/h.gif xxxx
icn/hlp.gif xxxx
icn/html.gif xxxx
icn/java.gif xxxx
icn/mov.gif xxxx
icn/pdf.gif xxxx
icn/pl.gif xxxx
icn/ppt.gif xxxx
icn/ps.gif xxxx
icn/py.gif xxxx
icn/ram.gif xxxx
icn/reg.gif xxxx
icn/sh.gif xxxx
icn/sniff.gif xxxx
icn/ttf.gif xxxx
icn/txt.gif xxxx
icn/wav.gif xxxx
icn/wri.gif xxxx
icn/xls.gif xxxx
icn/zip.gif xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL/W32PTH10.DLL xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
twikilogo2.gif xxxx
twikilogo3.gif xxxx
twikilogo4.gif xxxx
wikiHome.gif xxxx
icn/_filetypes.txt xxxx
icn/bat.gif xxxx
icn/bmp.gif xxxx
icn/c.gif xxxx
icn/dll.gif xxxx
icn/doc.gif xxxx
icn/else.gif xxxx
icn/exe.gif xxxx
icn/fon.gif xxxx
icn/h.gif xxxx
icn/hlp.gif xxxx
icn/html.gif xxxx
icn/java.gif xxxx
icn/mov.gif xxxx
icn/pdf.gif xxxx
icn/pl.gif xxxx
icn/ppt.gif xxxx
icn/ps.gif xxxx
icn/py.gif xxxx
icn/ram.gif xxxx
icn/reg.gif xxxx
icn/sh.gif xxxx
icn/sniff.gif xxxx
icn/ttf.gif xxxx
icn/txt.gif xxxx
icn/wav.gif xxxx
icn/wri.gif xxxx
icn/xls.gif xxxx
icn/zip.gif xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL/W32PTH10.DLL xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx

Files under twiki/data

Files under twiki/data
The data directory stores the content of TWiki pages as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, and quite a number of pages with documentation and demo content. This is a representative partial file listing...
The data directory stores TWiki page data as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, with a number of pages of documentation and demo content. This is a representative partial file listing...
File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
_default/.changes xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Know/TopicClassification.txt xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt,v xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/NicholasLee.txt xxxx
Main/NicholasLee.txt,v xxxx
Main/NobodyGroup.txt xxxx
Main/NobodyGroup.txt,v xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt,v xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/TWikiGroups.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGroups.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiVariables.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiVariables.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Test/TestTopic1.txt xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Test/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Trash/.changes xxxx
Trash/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Trash/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
TWiki/AlWilliams.txt xxxx
TWiki/AlWilliams.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/AndreaSterbini.txt xxxx
TWiki/AndreaSterbini.txt,v xxxx
... ...
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
.htpasswd xxxx
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
_default/.changes xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Know/TopicClassification.txt xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt,v xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/OfficeLocations.txt xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt,v xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/TWikiGuest.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Test/TestTopic1.txt xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Trash/WebHome.txt xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
... ...

Files in twiki/templates

Files in twiki/templates
Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages...
Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages...
File: Used for:
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl xxxx
attachagain.tmpl xxxx
attachnew.tmpl xxxx
changeform.tmpl xxxx
changes.tmpl xxxx
edit.iejs.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl xxxx
mailnotify.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccesschange.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessview.tmpl xxxx
oopsauth.tmpl xxxx
attach.tmpl xxxx
oopschangepasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsempty.tmpl xxxx
oopslocked.tmpl xxxx
oopslockedrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsmissing.tmpl xxxx
oopsmoveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoformdef.tmpl xxxx
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoweb.tmpl xxxx
oopspreview.tmpl xxxx
oopsregexist.tmpl xxxx
oopsregpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsregrequ.tmpl xxxx
oopsregthanks.tmpl xxxx
oopsregwiki.tmpl xxxx
oopsrenameerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsrev.tmpl xxxx
oopssave.tmpl xxxx
oopssaveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopssendmailerr.tmpl xxxx
oopstopicexists.tmpl xxxx
oopsupload.tmpl xxxx
oopswrongpassword.tmpl xxxx
preview.tmpl xxxx
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl xxxx
renamebase.tmpl xxxx
renameconfirm.tmpl xxxx
renamerefs.tmpl xxxx
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl xxxx
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx
view.tmpl xxxx
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl xxxx
attachagain.tmpl xxxx
attachnew.tmpl xxxx
changeform.tmpl xxxx
changes.tmpl xxxx
edit.iejs.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl xxxx
mailnotify.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccesschange.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessview.tmpl xxxx
oopsauth.tmpl xxxx
attach.tmpl xxxx
oopschangepasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsempty.tmpl xxxx
oopslocked.tmpl xxxx
oopslockedrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsmissing.tmpl xxxx
oopsmoveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoformdef.tmpl xxxx
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoweb.tmpl xxxx
oopspreview.tmpl xxxx
oopsregexist.tmpl xxxx
oopsregpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsregrequ.tmpl xxxx
oopsregthanks.tmpl xxxx
oopsregwiki.tmpl xxxx
oopsrenameerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsrev.tmpl xxxx
oopssave.tmpl xxxx
oopssaveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopssendmailerr.tmpl xxxx
oopstopicexists.tmpl xxxx
oopsupload.tmpl xxxx
oopswrongpassword.tmpl xxxx
preview.tmpl xxxx
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl xxxx
renamebase.tmpl xxxx
renameconfirm.tmpl xxxx
renamerefs.tmpl xxxx
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl xxxx
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx
view.tmpl xxxx
  -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 132001-09-04 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Operating Environment

Low requirements on client-side and server-side environment, to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible is a key element of the TWikiMission. Strict W3C and ECMA standards compliance is also a mandate. These requirements are amended from time to time as technology progresses.
Server and client system requirements, file system structure


Low requirements on client-side and server-side environment, to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible is a key element of the TWikiMission. Strict W3C and ECMA standards compliance is also a mandate. These requirements are amended from time to time as technology progresses.


Server-Side Requirements

Line: 31 to 35
Browser Requirements
Resource Details
HTML 3.2 browser  
JavaScript 1.? Optional: JS degrades gracefully
JavaScript 1.? Optional: JS degrades gracefully
Cookies Not used
CSS1/2 ????

  • TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.

Known Issues

  • Some TWikiSkins may require more, like cookies and JavaScript
  • At present, contributed Plugins are not checked against compatibility standards, and may require anything imaginable: browser-specific functions, Java, cookies, CSS, etc.

TWiki Directory Structure


TWiki File System

You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
You can rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file & main library
twiki/lib/TWiki list Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins list TWikiPlugins Perl modules
twiki/lib list Configuration file, main library, Perl system modules, Plugins
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. Note that there may be minor differences in the start-up data files.
A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. Note that there may be minor differences in the start-up data files. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted.

Files in twiki

Introductory and installation files.
File: Used for:
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install.
license.txt Gnu General Public License and TWiki-specific info.
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install
license.txt GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs.
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page.
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline.
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline

Files in twiki/bin

All Perl CGI scripts.
File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
Line: 98 to 104

Files under twiki/lib

The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins.
File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm
Line: 116 to 124

Files under twiki/pub

attachments like images...
File: Used for:
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
Line: 164 to 174

Files under twiki/data

The data directory stores the content of TWiki pages as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, and quite a number of pages with documentation and demo content. This is a representative partial file listing...
File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx
debug.txt xxxx
Line: 184 to 196
_default/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Know/.changes xxxx
Know/.mailnotify xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.txt xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.txt,v xxxx
Know/NoDisclosure.txt xxxx
Know/NoDisclosure.txt,v xxxx
Know/OperatingSystem.txt xxxx
Know/OperatingSystem.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsHPUX.txt xxxx
Know/OsHPUX.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsLinux.txt xxxx
Know/OsLinux.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsMacOS.txt xxxx
Know/OsMacOS.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsSolaris.txt xxxx
Know/OsSolaris.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsSunOS.txt xxxx
Know/OsSunOS.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsVersion.txt xxxx
Know/OsVersion.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsWin.txt xxxx
Know/OsWin.txt,v xxxx
Know/PublicFAQ.txt xxxx
Know/PublicFAQ.txt,v xxxx
Know/PublicSupported.txt xxxx
Know/PublicSupported.txt,v xxxx
Know/ReadmeFirst.txt xxxx
Know/ReadmeFirst.txt,v xxxx
Know/SunOS.txt xxxx
Know/SunOS.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Know/TopicClassification.txt xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt,v xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt xxxx
Line: 224 to 207
Know/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebHome.txt xxxx
Know/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Know/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Know/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Know/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Know/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Know/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt xxxx
Know/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt,v xxxx
Know/WinDoze95Crash.txt xxxx
Know/WinDoze95Crash.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiAdminGroup.txt,v xxxx
Main/.mailnotify xxxx
Main/FileAttachment.txt xxxx
Main/FileAttachment.txt,v xxxx
Main/JohnTalintyre.txt xxxx
Main/JohnTalintyre.txt,v xxxx
Main/KevinKinnell.txt xxxx
Main/KevinKinnell.txt,v xxxx
Main/LondonOffice.txt xxxx
Main/LondonOffice.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/NicholasLee.txt xxxx
Main/NicholasLee.txt,v xxxx
Main/NobodyGroup.txt xxxx
Line: 260 to 218
Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v xxxx
Main/TokyoOffice.txt xxxx
Main/TokyoOffice.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiAdminGroup.txt xxxx
Main/.changes xxxx
... ...
Main/TWikiGroups.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGroups.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt xxxx
Line: 272 to 227
Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiVariables.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiVariables.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Main/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebHome.txt xxxx
Main/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Main/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Main/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Main/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Main/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Main/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Test/.changes xxxx
Test/.mailnotify xxxx
... ...
Test/TestTopic1.txt xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Test/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Test/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Test/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Test/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Test/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Test/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Trash/.changes xxxx
Trash/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Trash/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Trash/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Trash/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Trash/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Trash/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Trash/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/.changes xxxx
TWiki/.mailnotify xxxx
... ...
TWiki/AlWilliams.txt xxxx
TWiki/AlWilliams.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/AndreaSterbini.txt xxxx
TWiki/AndreaSterbini.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/BillClinton.txt xxxx
TWiki/BillClinton.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/BookView.txt xxxx
TWiki/BookView.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/BumpyWord.txt xxxx
TWiki/BumpyWord.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ChristopheVermeulen.txt xxxx
TWiki/ChristopheVermeulen.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/CrisBailiff.txt xxxx
TWiki/CrisBailiff.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DavidWarman.txt xxxx
TWiki/DavidWarman.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DefaultPlugin.txt xxxx
TWiki/DefaultPlugin.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DeleteOrRenameATopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteOrRenameATopic.txt,v xxxx
... ...
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/EditDoesNotIncreaseTheRevision.txt xxxx
TWiki/EditDoesNotIncreaseTheRevision.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt xxxx
TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ExampleTopicTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/ExampleTopicTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/GnuGeneralPublicLicense.txt xxxx
TWiki/GnuGeneralPublicLicense.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/GoodStyle.txt xxxx
TWiki/GoodStyle.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/HaroldGottschalk.txt xxxx
TWiki/HaroldGottschalk.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/Hey.txt xxxx
TWiki/Hey.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/IncludeTopicsAndWebPages.txt xxxx
TWiki/IncludeTopicsAndWebPages.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/InterwikiPlugin.txt xxxx
TWiki/InterwikiPlugin.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/InterWikis.txt xxxx
TWiki/InterWikis.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestCreateForm.txt xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestCreateForm.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestEditForm.txt xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestEditForm.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JohnAltstadt.txt xxxx
TWiki/JohnAltstadt.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JohnTalintyre.txt xxxx
TWiki/JohnTalintyre.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/KevinKinnell.txt xxxx
TWiki/KevinKinnell.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ManpreetSingh.txt xxxx
TWiki/ManpreetSingh.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/MetaDataDefinition.txt xxxx
TWiki/MetaDataDefinition.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/MoveTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/MoveTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/MoveWeb.txt xxxx
TWiki/MoveWeb.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/NicholasLee.txt xxxx
TWiki/NicholasLee.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/PeterFokkinga.txt xxxx
TWiki/PeterFokkinga.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
TWiki/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground.txt xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RandyKramer.txt xxxx
TWiki/RandyKramer.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RegularExpression.txt xxxx
TWiki/RegularExpression.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ManagingTopics.txt xxxx
TWiki/ManagingTopics.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SearchDoesNotWork.txt xxxx
TWiki/SearchDoesNotWork.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SimultaneousEdits.txt xxxx
TWiki/SimultaneousEdits.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/StandardColors.txt xxxx
TWiki/StandardColors.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/StanleyKnutson.txt xxxx
TWiki/StanleyKnutson.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SvenDowideit.txt xxxx
TWiki/SvenDowideit.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingFAQ.txt xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingFAQ.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingRules.txt xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingRules.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ManagingWebs.txt xxxx
TWiki/ManagingWebs.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiContributor.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiContributor.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDownload.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDownload.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiEnhancementRequests.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiEnhancementRequests.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFAQ.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFAQ.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFormTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFormTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiHistory.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiHistory.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebNotification.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebNotification.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlugins.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlugins.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistration.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistration.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistrationPub.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistrationPub.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiSkins.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiSkins.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTemplates.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTemplates.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorial.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorial.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorialKK.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiVariables.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiVariables.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWeb.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWeb.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWebsTable.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWebsTable.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/UnlockTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/UnlockTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi.txt xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebChanges.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebHome.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebIndex.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebSearch.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicNonWikiTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicNonWikiTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicViewTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicViewTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WelcomeGuest.txt xxxx
TWiki/WelcomeGuest.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WhatIsWikiWiki.txt xxxx
TWiki/WhatIsWikiWiki.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiCulture.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiCulture.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiName.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiName.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiNotation.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiNotation.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiReferences.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiReferences.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiSyntax.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiSyntax.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiWikiClones.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiWikiClones.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiWord.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiWord.txt,v xxxx

Files in twiki/templates

Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages...
File: Used for:
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl xxxx
attachagain.tmpl xxxx

Revision 122001-09-01 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Software Environment


TWiki Operating Environment


System Requirements

Low requirements on client-side and server-side environment, to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible is a key element of the TWikiMission. Strict W3C and ECMA standards compliance is also a mandate. These requirements are amended from time to time as technology progresses.
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. It also requires that GNU RCS (Revision Control System) is installed on the same system. The current implementation runs best on a Linux machine, but it can also run with Microsoft Windows.

Server-Side Requirements

Required Environment by Platform
Packages: Linux/Unix: Windows:
Perl 5.x 5.x
Non-standard Perl modules ??? MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1 (for password generation)
Optional Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 5.7 (including diff
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache Apache, IIS
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses a number of shell commands. It requires that GNU RCS (Revision Control System) be installed on the same system. Current development is on Linux. the recommended platform, but it can also work with Microsoft Windows and other OS.

Required Server Environment by Platform
Resource Unix Windows
Perl 5.005_03 or higher
Non standard Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 or higher
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache and others (support for cgi, authentication, extended path) *
OS versions Linux, Unix... every last Win?!
Required disk space    

ISP INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: SSI, RCS local or sysadmin, same for perl modules for plugins, cron, basic authentication,...

Client-Side Requirements

The basic TWiki engine and templates have a low requirement on the browser:

Recommend PC Requirement
Component Min/Rec

Browser Requirements
Resource Details
HTML 3.2 browser  
JavaScript 1.? Optional: JS degrades gracefully
Cookies Not used
CSS1/2 ????

  • TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2.


Known Issues

  • Some TWikiSkins may require more, like cookies and JavaScript
  • At present, contributed Plugins are not checked against compatibility standards, and may require anything imaginable: browser-specific functions, Java, cookies, CSS, etc.

TWiki Directory Structure

Line: 370 to 397
TWiki/RandyKramer.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RegularExpression.txt xxxx
TWiki/RegularExpression.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RenameTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/RenameTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ManagingTopics.txt xxxx
TWiki/ManagingTopics.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SearchDoesNotWork.txt xxxx
TWiki/SearchDoesNotWork.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SimultaneousEdits.txt xxxx
Line: 388 to 415
TWiki/TextFormattingRules.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAdministration.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAdministration.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ManagingWebs.txt xxxx
TWiki/ManagingWebs.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt xxxx
Line: 412 to 439
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiNotificationOfChanges.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiNotificationOfChanges.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebNotification.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebNotification.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlugins.txt xxxx

Revision 112001-09-01 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Software Environment

Line: 390 to 390
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAdministration.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAdministration.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAuthentication.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAuthentication.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiContributor.txt xxxx
Line: 410 to 410
TWiki/TWikiHistory.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiNotificationOfChanges.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiNotificationOfChanges.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt xxxx
Line: 431 to 431
TWiki/TWikiTutorial.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorial.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorialKK.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername.txt xxxx

Revision 102001-08-31 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Implementation Notes


TWiki Software Environment


Platforms and System Requirements


System Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system. [ MM: Locate elsewhere and/or include one-liner and link for RCS... ]
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. It also requires that GNU RCS (Revision Control System) is installed on the same system. The current implementation runs best on a Linux machine, but it can also run with Microsoft Windows.
Required Environment by Platform
Packages: Linux/Unix: Windows:
Line: 17 to 17
Web server Apache Apache, IIS
OS versions Linux, Unix... every last Win?!

Directory Structure


TWiki Directory Structure

You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure - the folder names and locations - exactly as is:
You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact:
Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file & main library
twiki/lib/TWiki list Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins list TWikiPlugins Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki list Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins list TWikiPlugins Perl modules
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
Note: about the additional directories in data, elsewhere

File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. Note that there may be minor differences in the start-up data files.


Files in twiki

Line: 67 to 69
viewfile Script to view an file attachment


Files in twiki/lib


Files under twiki/lib

File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm

Files in twiki/lib/TWiki

File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Attach.pm Attachment handling
Meta.pm Meta data in topics
Net.pm SMTP mail handling
Plugins.pm Plugin handling
Prefs.pm Preferences handling
Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling

Files in twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins

File: Used for:
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites

Files in twiki/pub


Files under twiki/pub

File: Used for:
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
Line: 144 to 135
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx


Files in twiki/data


Files under twiki/data

File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx

Revision 92001-08-30 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Implementation Notes

Line: 10 to 10
Required Environment by Platform
Packages: Linux/Unix: Windows:
Perl 5.x 5.x
Non-standard Perl modules   MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1 (for password generation)
Non-standard Perl modules ??? MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1 (for password generation)
Optional Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 5.7 (including diff
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ls, fgrep, egrep
Line: 19 to 19

Directory Structure

You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing a configuration file value. For the simplest installation and future upgrades, you should leave the subdirectory structure exactly as is:
You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing it in the twiki.cfg configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure - the folder names and locations - exactly as is:
Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
Line: 36 to 36

Files in twiki

to follow
File: Used for:
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install.
license.txt Gnu General Public License and TWiki-specific info.
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs.
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page.
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline.

Files in twiki/bin

Line: 92 to 97

Files in twiki/pub

to follow
File: Used for:

favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
twikilogo2.gif xxxx
twikilogo3.gif xxxx
twikilogo4.gif xxxx
wikiHome.gif xxxx
icn/_filetypes.txt xxxx
icn/bat.gif xxxx
icn/bmp.gif xxxx
icn/c.gif xxxx
icn/dll.gif xxxx
icn/doc.gif xxxx
icn/else.gif xxxx
icn/exe.gif xxxx
icn/fon.gif xxxx
icn/h.gif xxxx
icn/hlp.gif xxxx
icn/html.gif xxxx
icn/java.gif xxxx
icn/mov.gif xxxx
icn/pdf.gif xxxx
icn/pl.gif xxxx
icn/ppt.gif xxxx
icn/ps.gif xxxx
icn/py.gif xxxx
icn/ram.gif xxxx
icn/reg.gif xxxx
icn/sh.gif xxxx
icn/sniff.gif xxxx
icn/ttf.gif xxxx
icn/txt.gif xxxx
icn/wav.gif xxxx
icn/wri.gif xxxx
icn/xls.gif xxxx
icn/zip.gif xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL/W32PTH10.DLL xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx

Files in twiki/data

to follow
File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
_default/.changes xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Know/.changes xxxx
Know/.mailnotify xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.txt xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL.txt,v xxxx
Know/NoDisclosure.txt xxxx
Know/NoDisclosure.txt,v xxxx
Know/OperatingSystem.txt xxxx
Know/OperatingSystem.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsHPUX.txt xxxx
Know/OsHPUX.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsLinux.txt xxxx
Know/OsLinux.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsMacOS.txt xxxx
Know/OsMacOS.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsSolaris.txt xxxx
Know/OsSolaris.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsSunOS.txt xxxx
Know/OsSunOS.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsVersion.txt xxxx
Know/OsVersion.txt,v xxxx
Know/OsWin.txt xxxx
Know/OsWin.txt,v xxxx
Know/PublicFAQ.txt xxxx
Know/PublicFAQ.txt,v xxxx
Know/PublicSupported.txt xxxx
Know/PublicSupported.txt,v xxxx
Know/ReadmeFirst.txt xxxx
Know/ReadmeFirst.txt,v xxxx
Know/SunOS.txt xxxx
Know/SunOS.txt,v xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt,v xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebHome.txt xxxx
Know/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Know/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Know/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Know/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Know/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Know/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt xxxx
Know/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt,v xxxx
Know/WinDoze95Crash.txt xxxx
Know/WinDoze95Crash.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiAdminGroup.txt,v xxxx
Main/.mailnotify xxxx
Main/FileAttachment.txt xxxx
Main/FileAttachment.txt,v xxxx
Main/JohnTalintyre.txt xxxx
Main/JohnTalintyre.txt,v xxxx
Main/KevinKinnell.txt xxxx
Main/KevinKinnell.txt,v xxxx
Main/LondonOffice.txt xxxx
Main/LondonOffice.txt,v xxxx
Main/NicholasLee.txt xxxx
Main/NicholasLee.txt,v xxxx
Main/NobodyGroup.txt xxxx
Main/NobodyGroup.txt,v xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt,v xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v xxxx
Main/TokyoOffice.txt xxxx
Main/TokyoOffice.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiAdminGroup.txt xxxx
Main/.changes xxxx
Main/TWikiGroups.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGroups.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiVariables.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiVariables.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Main/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebHome.txt xxxx
Main/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Main/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Main/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Main/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Main/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Main/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Main/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Test/.changes xxxx
Test/.mailnotify xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Test/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Test/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Test/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Test/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Test/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Test/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
Trash/.changes xxxx
Trash/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Trash/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Trash/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebNotify.txt xxxx
Trash/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
Trash/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebSearch.txt xxxx
Trash/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
Trash/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
Trash/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/.changes xxxx
TWiki/.mailnotify xxxx
TWiki/AlWilliams.txt xxxx
TWiki/AlWilliams.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/AndreaSterbini.txt xxxx
TWiki/AndreaSterbini.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/BillClinton.txt xxxx
TWiki/BillClinton.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/BookView.txt xxxx
TWiki/BookView.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/BumpyWord.txt xxxx
TWiki/BumpyWord.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ChristopheVermeulen.txt xxxx
TWiki/ChristopheVermeulen.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/CrisBailiff.txt xxxx
TWiki/CrisBailiff.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DavidWarman.txt xxxx
TWiki/DavidWarman.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DefaultPlugin.txt xxxx
TWiki/DefaultPlugin.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DeleteOrRenameATopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteOrRenameATopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/EditDoesNotIncreaseTheRevision.txt xxxx
TWiki/EditDoesNotIncreaseTheRevision.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt xxxx
TWiki/EmptyPlugin.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ExampleTopicTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/ExampleTopicTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/GnuGeneralPublicLicense.txt xxxx
TWiki/GnuGeneralPublicLicense.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/GoodStyle.txt xxxx
TWiki/GoodStyle.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/HaroldGottschalk.txt xxxx
TWiki/HaroldGottschalk.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/Hey.txt xxxx
TWiki/Hey.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/IncludeTopicsAndWebPages.txt xxxx
TWiki/IncludeTopicsAndWebPages.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/InterwikiPlugin.txt xxxx
TWiki/InterwikiPlugin.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/InterWikis.txt xxxx
TWiki/InterWikis.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestCreateForm.txt xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestCreateForm.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestEditForm.txt xxxx
TWiki/JaneDoeTestEditForm.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JohnAltstadt.txt xxxx
TWiki/JohnAltstadt.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/JohnTalintyre.txt xxxx
TWiki/JohnTalintyre.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/KevinKinnell.txt xxxx
TWiki/KevinKinnell.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/ManpreetSingh.txt xxxx
TWiki/ManpreetSingh.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/MetaDataDefinition.txt xxxx
TWiki/MetaDataDefinition.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/MoveTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/MoveTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/MoveWeb.txt xxxx
TWiki/MoveWeb.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/NicholasLee.txt xxxx
TWiki/NicholasLee.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/PeterFokkinga.txt xxxx
TWiki/PeterFokkinga.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
TWiki/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground.txt xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RandyKramer.txt xxxx
TWiki/RandyKramer.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RegularExpression.txt xxxx
TWiki/RegularExpression.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/RenameTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/RenameTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SearchDoesNotWork.txt xxxx
TWiki/SearchDoesNotWork.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SimultaneousEdits.txt xxxx
TWiki/SimultaneousEdits.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/StandardColors.txt xxxx
TWiki/StandardColors.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/StanleyKnutson.txt xxxx
TWiki/StanleyKnutson.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/SvenDowideit.txt xxxx
TWiki/SvenDowideit.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingFAQ.txt xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingFAQ.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingRules.txt xxxx
TWiki/TextFormattingRules.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAccessControl.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAdministration.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAdministration.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAuthentication.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiAuthentication.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiCategoryTable.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiContributor.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiContributor.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDownload.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiDownload.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiEnhancementRequests.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiEnhancementRequests.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFAQ.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFAQ.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFormTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiFormTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiHistory.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiHistory.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiImplementationNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiInstallationNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiNotificationOfChanges.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiNotificationOfChanges.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlannedFeatures.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlugins.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPlugins.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistration.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistration.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistrationPub.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiRegistrationPub.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiSkins.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiSkins.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTemplates.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTemplates.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorial.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorial.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiTutorialKK.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeNotes.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeNotes.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiVariables.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiVariables.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWeb.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWeb.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWebsTable.txt xxxx
TWiki/TWikiWebsTable.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/UnlockTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/UnlockTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi.txt xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebChanges.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebHome.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebIndex.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebSearch.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicEditTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicNonWikiTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicNonWikiTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicViewTemplate.txt xxxx
TWiki/WebTopicViewTemplate.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WelcomeGuest.txt xxxx
TWiki/WelcomeGuest.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WhatIsWikiWiki.txt xxxx
TWiki/WhatIsWikiWiki.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiCulture.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiCulture.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiName.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiName.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiNotation.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiNotation.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiReferences.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiReferences.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiSyntax.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiSyntax.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiWikiClones.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiWikiClones.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/WikiWord.txt xxxx
TWiki/WikiWord.txt,v xxxx

Files in twiki/templates

to follow
File: Used for:
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl xxxx
attachagain.tmpl xxxx
attachnew.tmpl xxxx
changeform.tmpl xxxx
changes.tmpl xxxx
edit.iejs.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl xxxx
mailnotify.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccesschange.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessview.tmpl xxxx
oopsauth.tmpl xxxx
attach.tmpl xxxx
oopschangepasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsempty.tmpl xxxx
oopslocked.tmpl xxxx
oopslockedrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsmissing.tmpl xxxx
oopsmoveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoformdef.tmpl xxxx
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoweb.tmpl xxxx
oopspreview.tmpl xxxx
oopsregexist.tmpl xxxx
oopsregpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsregrequ.tmpl xxxx
oopsregthanks.tmpl xxxx
oopsregwiki.tmpl xxxx
oopsrenameerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsrev.tmpl xxxx
oopssave.tmpl xxxx
oopssaveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopssendmailerr.tmpl xxxx
oopstopicexists.tmpl xxxx
oopsupload.tmpl xxxx
oopswrongpassword.tmpl xxxx
preview.tmpl xxxx
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl xxxx
renamebase.tmpl xxxx
renameconfirm.tmpl xxxx
renamerefs.tmpl xxxx
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl xxxx
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx
view.tmpl xxxx
-- MikeMannix - 28 Aug 2001
-- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 82001-08-29 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Implementation Notes




Platforms and System Requirements

TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system. [ MM: Locate elsewhere and/or include one-liner and link for RCS... ]
Required Environment by Platform
Package(s): Unix: Windows:
Packages: Linux/Unix: Windows:
Perl 5.x 5.x
Non-standard Perl modules   MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1 (for password generation)
Optional Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 5.7 (including diff
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache Apache, IIS
OS versions Linux, Unix... every last Win?!

Directory Structure

Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/lib/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images), plus RCS histories
twiki/data source (topic) text, including RCS histories
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
You can easily rename the root TWiki directory - twiki - to whatever you like by changing a configuration file value. For the simplest installation and future upgrades, you should leave the subdirectory structure exactly as is:
Directory: Files: Used for:
twiki list Start-up info
twiki/bin list Perl scripts
twiki/lib list Configuration file & main library
twiki/lib/TWiki list Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins list TWikiPlugins Perl modules
twiki/pub list Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories)
twiki/data list Topic text (page content) and RCS histories;
twiki/templates list HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

Note: about the additional directories in data, elsewhere


Files in twiki/bin


Files in twiki

to follow

Files in twiki/bin

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
Line: 47 to 61
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment

Files in twiki/lib


Files in twiki/lib

File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For initialization and configuration, used by TWiki.pm
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm

Files in twiki/lib/TWiki


Files in twiki/lib/TWiki

File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Line: 65 to 81
Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling

Files in twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins


Files in twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins

File: Used for:
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
-- MikeMannix - 26 Aug 2001

Files in twiki/pub

to follow

Files in twiki/data

to follow

Files in twiki/templates

to follow

-- MikeMannix - 28 Aug 2001

Revision 72001-08-28 - JohnTalintyre

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Implementation Notes


Line: 8 to 8
Required Environment by Platform
Package(s): Unix: Windows:
Perl 5.x 5.x
Non-standard Perl modules    
Non-standard Perl modules   MIME::Base64, Digest::SHA1 (for password generation)
Optional Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 5.7
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ?
Web server Apache ?
RCS 5.7 5.7 (including diff
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ls, fgrep, egrep
Web server Apache Apache, IIS

Directory Structure

Line: 20 to 20
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/lib/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images), plus RCS histories
twiki/data source (topic) text, including RCS histories
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
Line: 37 to 37
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
rename Script to rename/move topics and move attachments
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
Line: 56 to 57
File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Attach.pm Attachment handling
Meta.pm Meta data in topics
Net.pm SMTP mail handling
Plugins.pm Plugin handling
Prefs.pm Preferences handling
Line: 67 to 70
File: Used for:
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
  -- MikeMannix - 26 Aug 2001

Revision 62001-08-27 - MikeMannix

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Implementation Notes


TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses also some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.

Required Environment by Platform
Package(s): Unix: Windows:
Perl 5.x 5.x
Non-standard Perl modules    
Optional Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 5.7
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ?
Web server Apache ?

Directory Structure

Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/bin/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/bin/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/lib/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
Note: You could move the twiki/bin/TWiki library directory (including Plugins ) to twiki/lib/TWiki; the scripts look for a "." and "../lib" relative library path.

Files in twiki/bin

Line: 36 to 45
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment

Files in twiki/lib

File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For initialization and configuration, used by TWiki.pm

Files in twiki/bin/TWiki


Files in twiki/lib/TWiki

File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Line: 49 to 62
Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling

Files in twiki/bin/TWiki/Plugins


Files in twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins

File: Used for:
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001
-- MikeMannix - 26 Aug 2001

Revision 52001-03-04 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Implementation Notes

TWiki is written in Perl 5, but it uses also many shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.


TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses also some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.

Directory Structure

Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/bin/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/bin/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

Note: You could move the twiki/bin/TWiki library directory (including Plugins ) to twiki/lib/TWiki; the scripts look for a "." and "../lib" relative library path.

Files in twiki/bin

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For initialization and configuration, used by TWiki.pm

Files in twiki/bin/TWiki

File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Net.pm SMTP mail handling
Plugins.pm Plugin handling
Prefs.pm Preferences handling
Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
Files in twiki/bin

Files in twiki/bin/TWiki/Plugins

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment
wiki.pm main TWiki library
wikiaccess.pm access control
wikicfg.pm for initialization and configuration, used by wiki.pm
wikiprefs.pm preferences handling
wikisearch.pm search engine, used by wiki.pm
wikistore.pm back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
-- PeterThoeny - 02 Nov 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001

Revision 42000-12-10 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1
TWiki is written in PERL 5, but it uses also many shell command. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine; also possible on Windows. RCS for revision control must be installed on the system.
TWiki is written in Perl 5, but it uses also many shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.

Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki PERL scripts
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
Line: 19 to 19
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows a OK or oops dialog
oops Script that shows an OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
register Script to register new users

Revision 32000-11-02 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1
TWiki is written in PERL 5, but it uses also many shell command. The current implementation runs only on a Unix machine. RCS for revision control must be installed on the system.
TWiki is written in PERL 5, but it uses also many shell command. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine; also possible on Windows. RCS for revision control must be installed on the system.

Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki PERL scripts
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
twiki/bin TWiki PERL scripts
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
  Files in twiki/bin

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows a OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment
wiki.pm main TWiki library
wikicfg.pm for initialization and configuration, used by wiki.pm
wikisearch.pm search engine, used by wiki.pm
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows a OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment
wiki.pm main TWiki library
wikiaccess.pm access control
wikicfg.pm for initialization and configuration, used by wiki.pm
wikiprefs.pm preferences handling
wikisearch.pm search engine, used by wiki.pm
wikistore.pm back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
-- PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 02 Nov 2000

Revision 22000-08-19 - PeterThoeny

Line: 15 to 15
File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
changes Script that shows recent changes
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
Line: 35 to 34
wikicfg.pm for initialization and configuration, used by wiki.pm
wikisearch.pm search engine, used by wiki.pm
-- PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000

Revision 12000-04-22 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki is written in PERL 5, but it uses also many shell command. The current implementation runs only on a Unix machine. RCS for revision control must be installed on the system.


Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki PERL scripts
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts

Files in twiki/bin

File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
attach Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment)
changes Script that shows recent changes
delete (not used yet)
edit Script to edit a topic
geturl Script to fetch URL data
mailnotify Script called by cron job to notify users of changes
oops Script that shows a OK or oops dialog
preview Script to preview topic after edit
rdiff Script to see differences of topics
register Script to register new users
save Script that saves a topic, called by preview
search Script that displays search results
statistics Script to create statistics topic
testenv Script to test CGI environment variables
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment
wiki.pm main TWiki library
wikicfg.pm for initialization and configuration, used by wiki.pm
wikisearch.pm search engine, used by wiki.pm

-- PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000

This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform Powered by PerlCopyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback
Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements.