Difference: TWikiTemplates (28 vs. 29)

Revision 292008-05-17 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Templates

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Template Topics

The second type of template in TWiki are template topics. Template topics define the default text for new topics. There are three types of template topic:
The second type of template in TWiki are template topics. Template topics define the default text for new topics. There are four types of template topic:
Topic Name: What it is:
WebTopicViewTemplate Alert page shown when you try to view a nonexistent topic. This page is usually used as a prompt to help you create a new topic.
WebTopicNonWikiTemplate Alert page shown when you try to view a nonexistent topic with a non-WikiName. Again, this page is used as a prompt to help you create the new topic.
WebTopicEditTemplate Default text used in a new topic.
<MyCustomNamed>Template Whenever you create a topic ending in the word "Template", it is automatically added to the list of available templates in the "Use Template" drop down field on the WebCreateNewTopic page.
  When you create a new topic using the edit script, TWiki locates a topic to use as a content template according to the following search order:
  1. A topic name specified by the templatetopic CGI parameter
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