Difference: TextFormattingRules (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52000-08-18 - PeterThoeny

Line: 17 to 17
  • CapitalizedWordsStuckTogether will produce a link automatically.
  • Blank lines will create new paragraphs.
  • Words get bold by enclosing them in * asterisks
  • Words get italic by enclosing them in _ underscores
Line: 31 to 31
      • Writing *bold text* , _italic text_ and =fixed== monospaced text
    • Example text gets rendered as:
      • Writing bold text , italic text and fixed= monospaced text
  • Separator: -------- (at the beginning of a line)
  • List Item: <3spaces>*
  • Nested Item: <6spaces>*
  • Ordered List: <3spaces><number>.
  • Definition: <3spaces><term>:<definition>.
  • Table: <optional spaces>| cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 | ... |
  • Separator: at least four dashes at the beginning of a line: <-------->
  • List Item: 3 spaces and an asterisk: <   *>
  • Nested Item: 6 spaces and an asterisk: <      *>
  • Ordered List: 3 spaces and a number: <   1>
  • Definition: 3 spaces, the term, a colon, followed by the definition.
  • Table: Optional spaces followed by the cells enclosed in vertical bars: <   | cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 | ... |>

Most HTML tags will work, but it's almost always preferable not to use HTML, so that the markup remains easy for everyone to edit.

  • Most HTML tags will work.


Variables are names enclosed in percent signs that gets expanded on the fly.
Variables are names that are enclosed in percent signs; they get expanded on the fly.
  • %WEB% : The current web, is TWiki .
  • %TOPIC% : The current topic name, is TextFormattingRules .
  • %ATTACHURL% : The attachment URL of the current topic. Example usage: If you attach a file to a topic you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif to show the URL of the file or the image in your text.
  • %INCLUDE{"file.ext"}% : Server side include, includes the text of a file. The default directory is the current Wiki web. Example: %INCLUDE{"Know/TopicName.txt"}%
  • %INCLUDE{"SomeTopic"}% : Server side include, includes another topic. The current TWiki web is the default web. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TextFormattingRules.