Difference: WebHome (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172001-08-29 - JohnTalintyre

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Welcome to TWiki, a web-based collaboration tool, document management tool, and knowledge base tool. This is the place to learn about the tool. Powered by TWiki
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    • TWikiVariables: Manipulate text, graphics, calculations, and more with simple expanding text strings.
    • FileAttachments: Upload files to any topic, for display or distribution.
    • ModifyTopics: Rename, move, delete pages.
    • TWikiForms: Create custom forms to structure information as required.

Webmaster Reference

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      1. TWikiSkins
      2. TWikiPlugins
      3. MetaDataDefinition
      1. MetaDataRendering
      1. MonitorSiteActivity
      2. ModifyTopics
      3. ModifyWebs
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