Difference: WelcomeGuest (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72000-12-14 - PeterThoeny

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    • click the [ Preview Changes ] button at the bottom of the page to see what your topic will look like (use the BACK button on your browser to go back and fix something.), and finally
    • click the [ Save Changes ] to save what you did.
  1. But this is scary: Anybody can do anything! Collaborating the Wiki way works because of the WikiCulture. (You can define fine grained TWikiAccessControl based on groups if really necessary)
  1. Experiment: To get your virtual hands dirty, visit Test in the TWiki.Test web.
  1. Experiment: To get your virtual hands dirty, visit Test in the TWiki.Test web.
  1. Create a Link: To link to another topic, start by editing an existing topic.
    • To create a link to a topic that already exists, type its JoinCapitalizedWords name (topics are automatically linked if they are WikiWords, e.g. names composed of two or more words with initial capitals, run together).
    • To create a link to a page that does not yet exist, make up and type a NeverBeforeUsedPhrase. You are encouraged to include WikiWords in your content, for others to fill out later.
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 Starting Points in the TWiki.TWiki Web

  • TWikiTutorial : Familiarize yourself with TWiki before you start editing content.
  • WebHome: Entry point of this TWiki web.
  • WebHome: Entry point of this TWiki web.
  • TWikiWeb: Explains what a TWiki web is.
  • GoodStyle: Things to consider when changing text.
  • WikiSyntax: Easy to learn rules when editing text.
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