* Name: Alex Ma * Login Name: macat * Email: ama@caida.org * Office Phone: 858-822-3506 * Location: LaJollaOffice * Comment: CAIDA Webmaster starting 2000 ---++ Things I've been working on that I don't want to forget about |Sep 2013|Document the caidawebmaster@gmail.com account to list what it's being used for: doodle, webmaster tools, custom search tool on caida, youtube account, google docs| |Sep 2013|Lightbox needs to get hooked into XSLT at the right place so that it sets up the IE conditional directives correctly, so it can be deployed on a sitewide level rather than just in [[http://www.caida.org/publications/posters/][Publications Posters]]; related files on cider: %BR%/www/content/www-xml-443/c2supportfiles/lightbox2.6/%BR%/www/backend/www-xml-443/stylesheets/page2html.xsl (maybe pagecontentwrapper.xsl needs involvement instead)| |Dec 2014|PubDB Presentations needs deploy tested further, more options for faster deploy. The input interface still has bugs with the first-time input, and the venue/presenter accordions.| ---++ Annual Goals 2013-2014 |Fully document the CAIDA Publications Database for use by others in the event of webmaster absence|Moved to next year.| |Deploy and evaluate the second generation of a CAIDA Publications Database that manages CAIDA presentations and slidesets|Not yet done. Presentation deploy needs work.| |Update the research section for the CAIDA public website with new information to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas.|DONE.| |Complete transition of AS Rank from relying on flat data files to using a database|Transferred ownership to Brad.| |Increase communication and feedback with others in the group by holding periodic web design meetings|Needs improvement next year| |Maintain NDN wiki and explore new wiki and blog apps to make sure our blog/wiki infrastructure is up to date|DONE.| |Make sure all papers and slides are posted, and all folks have home pages|Almost DONE.| |Provide assistance to new employees to orient them to the CAIDA workflow environment|DONE.| |Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a frequent basis|DONE. 2013 Annual published May-June 2014.| |Continue exposure to the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents|DONE, mostly funding proposals removing sections and building, converting.| |Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators|DONE.| |Provide consistent, timely feedback on my weekly activities via weekly reports|DONE. Except December was crazy.| ---++ Annual Goals 2012-2013 |Deploy and evaluate the second generation of a CAIDA Publications Database that manages CAIDA presentations and slidesets.|In development. Presentations still needs work.| |Document how to maintain the AS Rank website and how to further develop it.|[[As-rank][DONE]].| |Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas.|DONE. More work to do| |Deploy a new version of AS Rank that uses a database backend in place of flat datafiles.|DONE. June 2013| |Provide assistance to new employees to orient them to the CAIDA workflow environment.|DONE. Oriented Edgardo, Pol Colomer| |Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis.|DONE. 2012 Annual finally published Jul 2013.| |Continue exposure to the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents.|DONE. Worked on NDN Annual Report and ULSD-DARPA proposal.| |Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators.|DONE.| |Increase technical, leadership and management skills by enrolling in relevant technical/business courses at UCSD Extension or with UCSD HR/staff education.|Did not do.| |Provide consistent, timely feedback on my weekly activities via weekly reports.|DONE.| ---++ Annual Goals 2011-2012 |Take over the design, development, evaluation and deployment of the first generation publications/presentations database.|DONE. New development owned by jon| |Learn the !LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents.|DONE. Prepared Papers/2012/imc-topocompare !LaTeX. More learning to be had. | |Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators.|DONE.| |Hire another webmaster's assistant from the UCSD student pool to replace graduating/outgoing student Alex Dodge.|DONE. Sep 2011. Hired Jon Yuan| |Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas|Partially DONE. Added images, in progress| |Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis|DONE. Staged and published 2011 annual by July| |Promote accessibility by implementing sections of the website that orient a site visitor with a limited background in networking research|DONE. (in some capacity, it's an ongoing effort)| |Funding permitting, increase leadership and management skills by enrolling in relevant business courses at UCSD Extension or with UCSD HR/staff education|NOT DONE.| |Provide consistent, timely feedback on weekly activities via weekly reports|DONE. weeklies sent tuesdays| |Increase communication and feedback with others in the group by holding periodic web design meetings|DONE. meet one-on-one, group meetings minimized| __My Links__ * Sandbox.%TOPIC%Sandbox just for me __Personal Preferences (details in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables)__ * Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord links, on or off: (see details in %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%) * Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off * Horizontal size of text edit box: * Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * Vertical size of text edit box: * Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22 * Style of text edit box. =width: 99%= for full window width (default), =width: auto= to disable. * Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your %TWIKIWEB%.WikiName) * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = AlexMa __Related topics__ * ChangePassword * %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC% has site-level preferences of %WIKITOOLNAME%. * %WEBPREFSTOPIC% has preferences of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * %MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% has a list of other TWiki users.
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Topic revision: r19 - 2015-04-16 - AlexMa
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