---+ %PARENTBC% All Users Group This is a special group literally all users belong. The main use of this group is to lift a web level restriction at the topic level. This is close to [[AllAuthUsersGroup]]. The difference is that unauthenticated users belong to [[AllUsersGroup]] but not to [[AllAuthUsersGroup]]. Let's say a web is viewable only by the members of the !DarkSideGroup by the following line on !WebPreferences. <pre> * <nop>Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = %USERSWEB%.DarkSideGroup </pre> By putting the following line on a topic, you can make it viewable by anybody. <pre> * <nop>Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = %USERSWEB%.AllUsersGroup </pre> This topic is not necessary for the group to work because the group is implemented in the code instead of a topic that has members. <!-- * Set READONLYSKINMODE = 1 --> __Related topics:__ [[TWikiGroups]], [[AllAuthUsersGroup]], [[%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiAccessControl][TWikiAccessControl]]
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-06-05 - TWikiContributor
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