---+ Header of User Homepages __Note:__ This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top of every [[%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%]] homepage. The header can be customized to the needs of your organization. For example, show all frequently used fields from the [[%TWIKIWEB%.UserForm][UserForm]] on top, followed by a personalized portal. The portal can pull content from other places, such as headline news by department, a list of current projects, etc. The TWiki:TWiki.UserHomepageSupplement has some additional documentation and ideas on customizing the homepages. ----- %STARTINCLUDE% %SEARCH{ "%BASETOPIC%" scope="topic" topic="%BASETOPIC%" nonoise="on" format="---+!! $formfield(FirstName) $formfield(LastName)$n()$n()| Organization: | <b> $formfield(OrganisationName) </b> | | Country: | <b> $formfield(Country) </b> | | Location: | <b> $formfield(Location) </b> |$n()| Telephone: | <b> $formfield(Telephone) </b> | | E-mail: | <b> $formfield(Email) </b> |" }% %TOC% %STOPINCLUDE% ----- __Related topics:__ [[%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%]], [[%TWIKIWEB%.UserForm][UserForm]], [[%TWIKIWEB%.NewUserTemplate][NewUserTemplate]], [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration][TWikiRegistration]], [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiForms][TWikiForms]]
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r0 - 2006-03-26 - TWikiContributor
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