TWiki.Main Web Preferences

The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki.Main web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWikiPreferences, and can be overwritten by user preferences (your personal topic, i.e. PeterThoeny in the TWiki.Main web)


  • Web specific background color:


  • A preference is defined as:
    6 spaces * Set NAME = value
  • Preferences are used as TWikiVariables by enclosing the name in percent signs. Example:
    • When you write variable %WEBBGCOLOR% , it gets expanded to #FFEFA6 .
  • The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences first, i.e. set WEBCOPYRIGHT before WIKIWEBMASTER since %WEBCOPYRIGHT% uses the %WIKIWEBMASTER% variable.
  • You can introduce new preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the TWiki engine (Perl scripts).

Related Topics:

This topic: Main > WebPreferences
Topic revision: r1 - 2000-02-26 - PeterThoeny
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