need: summary of duration, number of samples, volume of compressed and uncompressed traces, i gues the IMPACT-like nubmers, were we putting these datasets in impact. for all anonymized passive traces.

How about network neutrality measurements? |

Traffic control/management |

Social network behavior inference |

Another in energy efficiency |

Several used for analysis of SDN and floods but not sure which are highlights?

DDoS example?

More energy efficient ethernet |

Big data, scalable traffic analysis |

Energy efficient routers |

Characterization of Evolving Networks for Cybersecurity |

Bot detection and identification |

The topic of elephant flows and bloom filters seems to come up often |

Network troubleshooting |

Understanding stochastic properties of traffic: analyze the self-similarity properties of process using Hurst index, obtained through the wavelet transform method, was employed. Finally, decimation used a useful auxiliary technique in the process of scale invariance analysis is presented.

Example from ILENS

3.2 New research opportunities enabled by current data products Our web site lists publications known to us by non-CAIDA authors that make use of CAIDA data (summarized in Figure 5) [60], a lower bound since we cannot enforce the reporting requirement of our AUP. Researchers have requested CAIDA's topology data to support research in the areas of: modeling IPv4 and IPv6 AS-level topology and routing behavior; alias resolution, router-level, and PoP-level topology discovery (including classified work to support DARPA's Plan X project); topology inference and fault diagnosis; infrastructure failure assessments; machine-learning-based AS classification; incongruity between data plane and control plane paths; improving anycast implementations; new metrics for describing scale-free networks; peer-to-peer system scalability; improving visualization of complex systems; geolocation; modeling of delay; improved traceback for network attacks; and new protocols (extensions of IP) to support attribution and prioritization. Publications reported back to us have covered a variety of topics related to the security and stability of the Internet as critical infrastructure [61,62,63,64]: growth analysis of ISPs [65]; infrastructure improvements in the developing world [66]; interdomain traffic estimation [67]; Internet mapping [68], router-level topology discovery [14,69,70]; tomography [71] and path prediction techniques [72]; evolution of interconnection policies and controversies [73]; risks of Internet partitioning [74]; prefix hijacking [75,76,77]; DDoS attack countermeasures [78,79]; complex network robustness in the face of epidemics [80]; geometric analysis of the Internet topology [81]; complex network theory [82,83]; future Internet architectures; CDN architectures [84]; and a geographic database ("Atlas") of the Internet at the physical layer [85,86].

This topic: Sandbox > CAIDAPassiveDataUse
Topic revision: r3 - 2018-12-22 - KcClaffy
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