---+*%NAVY%TCP for Dummies Notes%ENDCOLOR%* ---++_%NAVY%Introduction%ENDCOLOR%_ * Networking protocols define rules and conventions for communication between network devices * Developed network protocols in "layers" * each layer of protocols responsible for defining communication between a certain network piece * _protocol suite_ - a combination of different protocols for each layer * referred to as a _TCP/IP stack_ ---++_%NAVY%Chapter 1 - Understanding TCP/IP Basics%ENDCOLOR%_ * _Internet Society (ISOC)_ * guides future of internet by overseeing Internet standards, public policy, education, and training * members are corporations, international and gov. organizations, and individuals (ex. IAB, IETF) * _Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)_ * assigns Internet addresses * run by an international board of directors and funded by the Internet community * _Internet Activities Board (IAB)_ *defines the architecture for the Internet *oversees the Internet's protocols (TCP/IP) * _Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)_ * 70 informal committees responsible for keeping the Internet up and running every day * IAB supervises the IETF * __Request for Comments(RFC)__ document the TCP/IP protocols * the RFC editors are a small group that works for ISOC but anyone can write an RFC * RFC categories: * _Standard_ - approved technical standard, Proposed Standard -> Draft Standard -> Standard * _Best Current Practices (BCP)_ - guidelines and recommendations, RFC 4107 "Guidelines for Cryptographic Key Management" * _Experimental_ - part of a research or development project, RFC 5335 "Internationalized Email Headers" * _Historic_ - refers most RFCs are former standards that are now obsolete * _Informational (FYI)_ - provides general information, RFC 4677 "The Tao of IETF - A Novices Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force" * _intranet_ - a private network within an organization * _extranet_ - a part of an intranet that is shared with people outside your organization (ex. customers, suppliers) * _Virtual Private Networks (VPN)_ - private network that runs over public facilities, such as the Internet * secure bc it encrypts data before sending it, and uses special tunneling and security protocols on the public network -- Main.HelenFemmel - 2015-07-27
This topic: Sandbox
Topic revision: r2 - 2015-08-03 - MinHsuanYao
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