Access Keys

What are access keys?

Access keys are keyboard shortcuts which allow the user to navigate around a website or a piece of computer software without having to use a mouse or other pointing device.

What are the advantages of using access keys?

Its an alternative to using a mouse, or other pointing device, and can sometimes be quicker than using a mouse.

How do I use access keys?

This depends on the browser you are using (see also cross-browser support below):

  • If you use Internet Explorer
    • Press and hold the 'Alt' key
    • Press the required letter
    • Release the keys and press the 'ENTER' key

  • If you use Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, or Firefox
    • Press and hold the 'Alt' key
    • Press the required letter

  • If you are using a Mac
    • Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key
    • Press the required letter

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Topic revision: r2 - 2004-08-28 - PeterThoeny
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