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---+!! Edit Table Plugin <!-- Contributions to this TWiki plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EditTablePlugin or provide feedback at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EditTablePluginDev. If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository. --> <sticky><div style="float:right; background-color:#EBEEF0; margin:0 0 20px 20px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px;"> %TOC% </div></sticky> %SHORTDESCRIPTION% ---++ Introduction Edit TWiki tables in place, using edit fields and drop down boxes, without having to edit the complete topic. Simply add an *[ Edit table ]* button to an existing table by writing =%<nop>EDITTABLE{}%= directly above the table. This can be added to tables that are formatted with TablePlugin: add the =EDITTABLE= variable just above or below the =TABLE= tag. It can also be used without any =TABLE= tag. Customize entry fields by specifying the format: use a text field, a drop down box, a date field, radio buttons or checkboxes. Multiple tables per topic are editable, but only one at a time can be edited. %X% __ATTENTION:__ This plugin version depends on the new TWiki:Plugins.DatePickerPlugin; the !JSCalendarContrib is no longer needed and must be upgraded or uninstalled. Before uninstalling !JSCalendarContrib check if you use any extensions that depend on the !JSCalendarContrib as described in that contrib package. ---++ Per Table Settings Add a =%<nop>EDITTABLE{...}%= variable just before an existing table to make it editable, or add the variable anywhere in a topic to start a new table. %INCLUDE{"VarEDITTABLE" section="edittable_attributes"}% ---+++ Using TWiki Variables!! in the Format Parameter By default, variables in =<initial value>= (of text input field) and =<label text>= (of fixed label) get expanded when a new row is added. This can be used for example to add a timestamp to a label. You can escape characters with format tokens if you do not want that. Any TWiki variable inside a table cell will be preserved. For instance, =%<nop>TOPIC%= will not get expanded to the current topic name. The format tokens are the same as with %SYSTEMWEB%.FormattedSearch: | *Escape:* | *Expands To:* | | =$n= or =$n()= | New line. Use =$n()= if followed by alphanumeric character, e.g. write =Foo$n()Bar= instead of =Foo$nBar= | | =$nop= or =$nop()= | Is a "no operation". | | =$quot= | Double quote (="=) | | =$percnt= | Percent sign (=%=) | | =$dollar= | Dollar sign (=$=) | #DateField ---+++ Date Field Type The =date= field type allows one to choose a date with a popup calendar. Popup calendar works with all modern browsers. The date picker button is inactive if the browser cannot support the popup calendar or if Javascript is disabled. The date format can be defined; the default is taken from the ={Plugins}{DatePickerPlugin}{Format}= configure setting. Date specifiers are described in DatePickerPlugin. Example format for ISO date: =format="| date, 10, , %Y-%m-%d |"=. <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/EditTablePluginCalendarExample.gif" alt="Edit Table Calendar Example" width="638" height="250" /> ---++ Per Cell Settings An individual edit field type can be defined for each table cell. Place an =%<nop>EDITCELL{ "type, ..." }%= variable at the end of the cell content. This is useful to override the per column =%<nop>EDITTABLE{ format="..." }%= settings, or to create tables with key/value rows. All edit field types of the =format="..."= parameter are supported. For example, to define a text field, type: =| cell content %<nop>EDITCELL{ "text, 20" }% |= It is also possible to place the edit button inside a cell instead of default location below the table. Type =| %<nop>EDITCELL{ "editbutton, 1, Edit this table" }% |= to show a button, or =| %<nop>EDITCELL{ "editbutton, 1, Edit table, Image-URL" }% |= to show a button image with alternate text. __Note:__ The =%<nop>EDITCELL{ }%=variable cannot be used by itself; place an =%<nop>EDITTABLE{ }%=variable at the beginning of a table where you want to use =%<nop>EDITCELL{ }%= variables. ---++ Table Buttons <form> * In page view mode: * <input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" name="et" value="Edit table" onclick="return(false);" /> - turn the table into edit mode * In edit mode: * <input type="submit" class="twikiButton" name="etsave" value="Save table" onclick="return(false);" /> - save your changes * <input type="submit" class="twikiButton" name="etqsave" value="Quiet save" onclick="return(false);" /> - save your changes without alerting subscribed WebNotify users * <input type="submit" class="twikiButton" name="etaddrow" value="Add row" onclick="return(false);" /> - add row to the table (if enabled) * <input type="submit" class="twikiButton" name="etdelrow" value="Delete last row" onclick="return(false);" /> - remove last row from the table (if enabled) * <input type="submit" class="twikiButtonCancel" name="etcancel" value="Cancel" onclick="return(false);" /> - cancel without saving and release edit lock * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/btn_move.gif"> - Move a row by clicking this button next to the row to be moved, then at a destination. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/btn_delete.gif"> - Deletes the row next to this button. </form> ---++ Examples Line before table: =%<nop>EDITTABLE{ format="| row, -1 | text, 20, init | select, 1, one, two, three, four | radio, 3,:-),:-I,:-( | label, 0, %<nop>SERVERTIME{"$day $mon $year $hour:$min"}% |" changerows="on" }%= %EDITTABLE{ format="| row, -1 | text, 20, init | select, 1, one, two, three, four | radio, 3,:-),:-I,:-( | label, 0, %SERVERTIME{"$day $mon $year $hour:$min"}% |" changerows="on" }% |*Nr*|*Text field*|*Drop down*|*Mood*|*Timestamp*| | 1 | hello table | one | :-) | 26 Jun 2002 12:30 | | 2 | | two | :-( | 27 Jun 2002 12:40 | %RED% __Note:__ Please do not save this example table! Use TWiki:Sandbox.EditTablePluginTesting if you want to try out this Plugin %ENDCOLOR% If this plugin is installed you will see an *[ Edit table ]* button above; if you were to click on it (please don't, use TWiki:Sandbox.EditTablePluginTesting for testing) you get this form: <a name="edittable1"></a> <div class="editTable editTableEdit"> <input type="hidden" name="ettablenr" value="1" /> <table cellspacing="0" id="default" cellpadding="0" class="twikiTable" rules="rows" border="1"> <thead> <tr class="twikiTableEven twikiTableRowdataBgSorted0 twikiTableRowdataBg0"> <th bgcolor="#6b7f93" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol0 twikiFirstCol"> <a rel="nofollow" href="%SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/EditTablePlugin?ettablenr=1&amp;etedit=on&amp;etrows=3&amp;x=27&amp;y=13&amp;sortcol=0;table=2;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><font color="#ffffff">Nr<input type="hidden" name="etcell1x1" value="*Nr*" /></font></a> </th> <th bgcolor="#6b7f93" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol1"> <a rel="nofollow" href="%SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/EditTablePlugin?ettablenr=1&amp;etedit=on&amp;etrows=3&amp;x=27&amp;y=13&amp;sortcol=1;table=2;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><font color="#ffffff">Text field<input type="hidden" name="etcell1x2" value="*Text field*" /></font></a> </th> <th bgcolor="#6b7f93" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol2"> <a rel="nofollow" href="%SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/EditTablePlugin?ettablenr=1&amp;etedit=on&amp;etrows=3&amp;x=27&amp;y=13&amp;sortcol=2;table=2;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><font color="#ffffff">Drop down<input type="hidden" name="etcell1x3" value="*Drop down*" /></font></a> </th> <th bgcolor="#6b7f93" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol3"> <a rel="nofollow" href="%SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/EditTablePlugin?ettablenr=1&amp;etedit=on&amp;etrows=3&amp;x=27&amp;y=13&amp;sortcol=3;table=2;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><font color="#ffffff">Mood<input type="hidden" name="etcell1x4" value="*Mood*" /></font></a> </th> <th bgcolor="#6b7f93" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol4 twikiLastCol"> <a rel="nofollow" href="%SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/EditTablePlugin?ettablenr=1&amp;etedit=on&amp;etrows=3&amp;x=27&amp;y=13&amp;sortcol=4;table=2;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><font color="#ffffff">Timestamp<input type="hidden" name="etcell1x5" value="*Timestamp*" /></font></a> </th> </tr> </thead> <tr class="twikiTableOdd twikiTableRowdataBgSorted0 twikiTableRowdataBg0"> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol0 twikiFirstCol"> <span class="et_rowlabel">1<input type="hidden" name="etcell2x1" value="1" /></span> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol1"> <input class="twikiInputField editTableInput" type="text" name="etcell2x2" size="20" value="hello table" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol2"> <select class="twikiSelect" name="etcell2x3" size="1"> <option selected="selected">one</option> <option>two</option> <option>three</option> <option>four</option></select> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol3"> <input type="radio" name="etcell2x4" value=":-)" checked="checked" /> <img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SmiliesPlugin/smile.gif" alt="smile" title="smile" border="0" /> <input type="radio" name="etcell2x4" value=":-I" /> <img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SmiliesPlugin/indifferent.gif" alt="indifferent" title="indifferent" border="0" /> <input type="radio" name="etcell2x4" value=":-(" /> <img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SmiliesPlugin/frown.gif" alt="frown" title="frown" border="0" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol4 twikiLastCol"> 26 Jun 2002 12:30<input type="hidden" name="etcell2x5" value="26 Jun 2002 12:30" /> </td> </tr> <tr class="twikiTableEven twikiTableRowdataBgSorted1 twikiTableRowdataBg1"> <td bgcolor="#edf4f9" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol0 twikiFirstCol twikiLast"> <span class="et_rowlabel">2<input type="hidden" name="etcell3x1" value="2" /></span> </td> <td bgcolor="#edf4f9" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol1 twikiLast"> <input class="twikiInputField editTableInput" type="text" name="etcell3x2" size="20" value="" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#edf4f9" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol2 twikiLast"> <select class="twikiSelect" name="etcell3x3" size="1"> <option>one</option> <option selected="selected">two</option> <option>three</option> <option>four</option></select> </td> <td bgcolor="#edf4f9" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol3 twikiLast"> <input type="radio" name="etcell3x4" value=":-)" /> <img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SmiliesPlugin/smile.gif" alt="smile" title="smile" border="0" /> <input type="radio" name="etcell3x4" value=":-I" /> <img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SmiliesPlugin/indifferent.gif" alt="indifferent" title="indifferent" border="0" /> <input type="radio" name="etcell3x4" value=":-(" checked="checked" /> <img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SmiliesPlugin/frown.gif" alt="frown" title="frown" border="0" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#edf4f9" valign="top" class="twikiTableCol4 twikiLastCol twikiLast"> 27 Jun 2002 12:40<input type="hidden" name="etcell3x5" value="27 Jun 2002 12:40" /> </td> </tr></table> <input type="hidden" name="etrows" value="3" /> <input type="submit" name="etsave" id="etsave" value="Save table" class="twikiSubmit" /> <input type="submit" name="etqsave" id="etqsave" value="Quiet save" class="twikiButton" /> <input type="submit" name="etaddrow" id="etaddrow" value="Add row" class="twikiButton" /> <input type="submit" name="etdelrow" id="etdelrow" value="Delete last row" class="twikiButton" /> <input type="submit" name="etcancel" id="etcancel" value="Cancel" class="twikiButton twikiButtonCancel" /> </div><!-- /editTable --> The following example shows a simple table with key/value rows. The default edit field type for the value column is a text field. This is overloaded by a selector for the Gender, and a date picker for the DOB. This is typically used by TWiki applications where new topics with tables are created based on a template topic. <table style="background:#f2f2f2;" cellpadding="6"> <tr> <th> You type: </th> <th> You get: </th> <th> Table in edit mode: </th> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <verbatim> %TABLE{"headerrows="1"}% %EDITTABLE{ format="| label | text, 40 |" changerows="off" }% |*Key*|*Value*| | Name: | John Smith | | Gender: | M %EDITCELL{select, 1, , F, M}% | | DOB: | 1999/12/31 %EDITCELL{date, 10}% | | City: | New York | </verbatim> </td> <td valign="top"> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ScreenshotEditCell1.gif" alt="EDITCELL Example in view mode" width="150" height="172" /> </td> <td valign="top"> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ScreenshotEditCell2.gif" alt="EDITCELL Example in edit mode" width="436" height="198" /> </td> </tr></table> ---++ Limitations and Known Issues * This Plugin does not support TWiki table formatting like Multi-span cells (e.g. =| ... ||=) and cell justification (e.g. =| centered | right |=) * There is a performance issue when editing a large table, say, with more then 50 rows * You cannot put two =%<nop>EDITTABLE{}%= statements on the same line in the source * You can include %-vars now in select values, by quoting them with <nop>, as in %<nop>X% for %<nop>X%, say for instance: <br /> =select,1,%<nop>X%,%<nop>Y%= ---++ Plugin Settings %TWISTY{ mode="div" showlink="Show details %ICONURL{toggleopen}% " hidelink="Hide details %ICONURL{toggleclose}% " }% Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write ==%<nop><plugin>_<setting>%==, for example, ==%<nop>EDITTABLEPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%== * One line description, shown in the %SYSTEMWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic: * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes * Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in =data/debug.txt=. Default: =0= * Set DEBUG = 0 * Set JAVASCRIPTINTERFACE to 1 to be able to directly move and delete row without page refresh. Can be overridden with parameter =javascriptinterface=. * Set JAVASCRIPTINTERFACE = 1 * Default for change rows flag: =on=, =off=, =add= * Set CHANGEROWS = on * Default flag for quiet save option: =on= to show the Quiet Save button, =off= to hide * Set QUIETSAVE = on * Default edit button: Specify =button text=, or specify =alternate text, image URL=. Note: Texts inside =%<nop>MAKETEXT{}%= are translated into other languages. * #Set EDIT_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Edit table"}% * Set EDIT_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Edit this table"}%, %ATTACHURL%/edittable.gif * Set SAVE_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Save table"}% * Set QUIET_SAVE_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Quiet save"}% * Set ADD_ROW_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Add row"}% * Set DELETE_LAST_ROW_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Delete last row"}% * Set CANCEL_BUTTON = %MAKETEXT{"Cancel"}% * Default help texts * Set INCLUDED_TOPIC_DOES_NOT_EXIST = <span class="twikiAlert">%MAKETEXT{"Warning: 'include' topic does not exist!"}%</span> __Note:__ The Plugin uses base settings like date format, language and style from the DatePickerPlugin. %ENDTWISTY% ---++ Installation Instructions This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server. %TWISTY{ mode="div" showlink="Show details %ICONURL{toggleopen}% " hidelink="Hide details %ICONURL{toggleclose}% " }% %X% __ATTENTION:__ This plugin version depends on the new TWiki:Plugins.DatePickerPlugin; the !JSCalendarContrib is no longer needed and must be uninstalled. Before uninstalling !JSCalendarContrib check if you use dependent extensions !ChecklistTablePlugin, !DateFieldPlugin, !EditTablerowPlugin, !FormPlugin, !RenderFormPlugin. * Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below) * Unzip ==%TOPIC%.zip== in your ($TWIKI_ROOT) directory. * Alternatively, * Manually resolve the dependencies listed below. <table border="1"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td align="left">TWiki::Plugins::DatePickerPlugin</td><td align="left">>=0</td><td align="left">Required. Used to select a date when using type date.</td></tr></table> * The Plugin depends on the =viewauth= script to authenticate the user. As described in %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiAccessControl, copy the =view= script to =viewauth= (or better, create a symbolic link) and add =viewauth= to the list of authenticated scripts in the =.htaccess= file. * Visit =configure= in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section. * Test if the Plugin is correctly installed: * Check above example if there is an *[ Edit table ]* button below the table in above example * Click on *[ Edit table ]*, make changes and save the table %ENDTWISTY% ---++ Plugin Info %TABLE{ tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="170," }% | Plugin Author: | Arthur Clemens, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny | | Copyright: | © 2008 Arthur Clemens;%BR% © 2002-2013 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, [[http://twiki.org/][TWiki.org]];%BR% © 2002-2013 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor | | License: | GPL ([[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html][GNU General Public License]]) | | Plugin Version: | 2013-12-03 | %TWISTY{ mode="div" showlink="Show Change History %ICONURL{toggleopen}%" hidelink="Hide Change History %ICONURL{toggleclose}% " }% %TABLE{ tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="170," }% | 2013-12-03: | TWikibug:Item7394: EditTablePlugin is not showing space characters correctly in date fields. -- TWiki:Main.YaojunFei | | 2013-12-01: | TWikibug:Item7392: EditTablePlugin executes "ASSERT(0) if DEBUG;" statement when clicking on "canel" button. -- TWiki:Main.YaojunFei | | 2013-11-12: | TWikibug:Item7379: Clicking an edit table button and then saving it may add a blank row -- TWiki:Main.YaojunFei | | 2013-11-05: | TWikibug:Item7377: EditTablePlugin may eat table rows -- TWiki:Main.YaojunFei | | 2013-10-18: | TWikibug:Item7373: EDITTABLE can't handle HTML comments in table cells -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny | | 2013-01-13: | TWikibug:Item7091: Use TWISTY in plugin settings section, installation instructions and change history -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny | | 2012-12-12: | TWikibug:Item7077: Make !EditTablePlugin dependent on DatePickerPlugin instead of deprecated !JSCalendarContrib -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny | | 2012-11-12: | TWikibug:Item7020: Categorize TWiki Variable EDITTABLE -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny | | 2012-11-06: | TWikibug:Item7025: Return to base page after saving changes. | | 2012-11-06: | TWikibug:Item7024: Make EditTable read-only when current site mode is readonly or slave | | 2012-07-11: | TWikibug:Item6900: Fix for warning: "my" variable %regex masks earlier declaration -- TWiki:Main.JudBarron | | 2011-07-07: | TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" | | 2010-05-25: | 5.1: TWikibug:Item6324 - Fix for editing a table removing EDITCELL from another table - patch by TWiki:Main/NickThorpe | | 2010-05-16: | 5.0: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB | | 17 Apr 2009: | 4.9.1: Save of table can only be done with http POST method, not GET | | 01 Nov 2008: | 4.9: Arthur Clemens: Fixed rendering of =verbatim= blocks when editing. Added parameter =buttonrow="top"= to allow the buttons to be positioned at the top of the table. | | 26 Sep 2008: | 4.8.7: Arthur Clemens: Let empty table initialize more than one column from =header= parameter | | 24 Sep 2008: | 4.8.6: Arthur Clemens: Fix parsing of header labels | | 21 Sep 2008: | 4.8.5: Arthur Clemens: Fix rendering of TML inside label | | 03 Aug 2008: | 4.8.4: TWiki 4.2.1 release version | | 19 Jul 2008: | 4.8.3: Bugfix release | | 20 Mar 2008: | 4.8: Arthur Clemens: Code refactoring; disabled table sort when editing; removed usage of =$percnt= to prevent variable expansion (is now done automatically); made Javascript interface aware of headers and footers, and of =changerows="off"=; improved feedback on row move. | | 25 Dec 2007: | 4.7.1: Arthur Clemens: Added warning if =include= parameter topic does not exist. | | 22 Dec 2007: | 4.7: Arthur Clemens: Changed handling of escaped variables. To escape TWiki variable, use formatting tokens such as =$percnt=. | | 16 Dec 2007: | 4.6: Kenneth Lavrsen: The plugin prevents TablePlugin from initsorting the table being edited. This is done by temporarily appending the attribute disableallsort="on" to the TABLE tag of a table being edited. Additionally all header sorting is disabled while editing a table by setting a hidden formfield =sort= to "off". Disabling sorting while editing is needed now that the EditTablePlugin supports moving rows up and down. | | 01 Dec 2007: | 4.3: Arthur Clemens: added support for TablePlugin =headerrows= and =footerrows=; updated edit button | | 16 Oct 2007: | 4.2: Arthur Clemens: refactoring, bug fixes. | | 07 Oct 2007: | 15182: PTh: Added %SYSTEMWEB%.VarEDITTABLE to have it listed in %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiVariables | | 15 Mar 2007: | Arthur Clemens: Fixed eating of double newlines; icons for Javascript buttons and interface improvements. By default the Javascript interface is turned off, set =JAVASCRIPTINTERFACE= to use it in edit mode. | | 05 Mar 2007: | Byron Darrah: Added ability to dynamically move and delete rows. | | 12 Oct 2006: | <a rel="nofollow" href="http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item2982">Item2982</a> Use default date format from JSCalendarContrib | | 02 Oct 2006: | <a rel="nofollow" href="http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item2884">Item2884</a> Check also for access permission in meta data; proper fix to not warn if oneself has a lock on topic | | 30 Aug 2006: | <a rel="nofollow" href="http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item2829">Item2829</a> Remove whitespace from select, radio and checkbox items; restored topic lock if $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION < 1.1 | | 29 Jul 2006: | <a rel='nofollow' href='http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item2684'>Item2684</a> - Quietly ignore topic edit locks on table edit | | 21 Jan 2006: | TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie ported to TWiki-4.0.0, changed to use JSCalendarContrib | | 16 Sep 2004: | Added radio buttons and checkbox controls; escaped "%VBAR%" pipe symbol found in input fields to preserve tables | | 01 Aug 2004: | Fixed bug where edittable did not work if at the end of a topic | | 07 Apr 2004: | Fixed bug where two tables got updated when you edit and save a table included into a topic containing other edit tables | | 02 Mar 2004: | Default for =%<nop>EDITCELL{editbutton}%= is EDITBUTTON preference | | 27 Feb 2004: | Added QUIETSAVE setting and =quietsave= parameter; image for Edit button | | 18 Feb 2004: | Doc fixes; allow edit button anywhere in a cell not just at the end of a cell | | 17 Feb 2004: | Added per cell definition of edit field types with =%<nop>EDITCELL{}%= variable; added =headerislabel= and =editbutton= parameters | | 20 Dec 2003: | Fixed bug where calendar did not work after adding a row (TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung); added all language files of Mishoo DHTML calendar 0.9.5 | | 13 Dec 2003: | Added CHANGEROWS, JSCALENDARDATEFORMAT, JSCALENDARLANGUAGE, JSCALENDAROPTIONS settings | | 16 Oct 2003: | small typo fixed (garbled if ---<nop>+ header on top) | | 15 Oct 2003: | new date field type with Javascript calendar - CN | | 14 Oct 2003: | docfix: the documentation page was an old one - CN | | 13 Oct 2003: | bugfix: %-vars in select were resetted to first on add/del row - CN | | 18 Sep 2003: | incompatibility: changed default of =changerows= to =on=; support for %-vars, Quiet save for saving without notification; all other fixes in Dev topic integrated - CN | | 08 Nov 2002: | Prevent variable expansion in label text; added escape characters | | 27 Jun 2002: | New =helptopic= parameter | | 26 Jun 2002: | Support for variables in included EDITTABLE parameters; fixed problem with HTML in cells | | 21 May 2002: | Added fixed label format; new =changerows="add"= parameter | | 27 Apr 2002: | Fixed bug where text after a double quote in a cell disappeared | | 18 Apr 2002: | Fixed bug where table was breaking when pasting multiple lines into an edit field using Netscape on Unix | | 08 Apr 2002: | Check for change permission and edit lock of topic | | 05 Apr 2002: | Initial version | %ENDTWISTY% %TABLE{ tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="170," }% | Dependencies: | <table border="1"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td align="left">TWiki::Plugins::DatePickerPlugin</td><td align="left">>=0</td><td align="left">Required. Used to select a date when using type date.</td></tr></table> | | Perl Version: | 5.0 | | TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: | %SYSTEMWEB%.GoodStyle 98%, %SYSTEMWEB%.FormattedSearch 98%, %TOPIC% 95% | | Plugin Home: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/%TOPIC% | | Feedback: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/%TOPIC%Dev | | Appraisal: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/%TOPIC%Appraisal | __Related Topics:__ VarEDITTABLE, DatePickerPlugin, %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiPreferences, %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiPlugins
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