---+ Installed Plugins Plugins are mainly user-contributed add-ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities. A limited number of plugins are included in the core TWiki distribution - and any of those can be removed - while the rest are optional, available from TWiki:Plugins.PluginPackage. ---++ Plugins Currently Installed and Enabled %PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS% %ICON{"wrench"}% Administrators can install plugins, enable/disable plugins, and change the plugin evaluation order using [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"configure"}%][configure]]. ---++ All Contrib Modules This list includs Plugins, some some of which may be disabed in configure, or due to other reasons. See %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiSkinBrowser for an overview of the installed Skins. %SEARCH{ ".+(Contrib|AddOn|Plugin|Skin)$" type="regex" scope="topic" nonoise="on" format=" * [[$topic]]" }% ---++ Plugin Diagnostics %FAILEDPLUGINS% __Note:__ The diagnostics are provided by the =%<nop>FAILEDPLUGINS%= variable __Related Topics:__ TWikiPlugins, %WIKIPREFSTOPIC%, AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory, TWikiSkinBrowser
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r8 - 2013-03-01 - TWikiContributor
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