---+!! Interwiki Plugin The <nop>%TOPIC% links ==ExternalSite:Page== text to external sites based on aliases defined in the %TWIKIWEB%.InterWikis topic. This plugin is inspired by <nop>UseMod Wiki's inter-wiki links, http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?InterWiki. %TOC% ---++ Syntax Rules * Enter ==ExternalSite:Page== to create a link that points to the ==Page== on the ==ExternalSite== server. * All ==ExternalSite== aliases are defined in the %TWIKIWEB%.InterWikis topic. * Add and edit aliases in %TWIKIWEB%.InterWikis. * %H% For TWiki sites, both the *web* and the *topic* have to be specified: ==<nop>TWikisite:Webname/<nop>SomePage== * TWiki:Plugins/InterwikiPlugin or TWiki:Plugins.InterwikiPlugin ---++ <nop>%TOPIC% Settings Plugin settings are stored as Preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write ==%<nop><plugin>_<setting>%==, for example, ==%<nop>INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%== * One-line description, shown in the %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic: * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Link ==ExternalSite:Page== text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic * Link rules topic name: (default is %TWIKIWEB%.InterWikis) * Set RULESTOPIC = * Suppress tooltip help for links: (==0== or ==1==, default is ==0==) * Set SUPPRESSTOOLTIP = 0 ---++ Plugin Installation Instructions %X% *NOTE:* This Plugin is included in the TWiki distribution package. You do not need to install it unless you want to upgrade to a newer version. * *Download* the ZIP file from the TWiki:Plugins web (see below) * *Unzip* ==%TOPIC%.zip== in your TWiki installation directory. Content: | *File:* | *Description:* | | ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt== | Plugin topic | | ==data/TWiki/InterWikis.txt== | Link rules topic for inter-site links | | ==lib/TWiki/Plugins/%TOPIC%.pm== | Plugin Perl module | * *Test:* If the Plugin is correctly installed, this Wiki:InterWiki link should point to http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?InterWiki topic - try it out. ---++ Plugin Info | Plugin Author: | TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny | | Plugin Version: | 1.008 | | Change History: | <!-- versions below in reverse order --> | | 26 Feb 2005: | 1.008 TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie cleaned up code and made Dakar-ready | | 25 Aug 2004: | 1.005 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny updated InterWikis link rules (no code change) | | 09 Mar 2004: | Internal changes: Use only official TWiki::Func Plugin API; for increased speed, moved Interwiki link handling from outsidePREHandler to startRenderingHandler | | 16 Feb 2004: | Support =[<nop>[Site:Page][label]]= Interwiki links (PTh); use TWiki::Func interface for I18N regular expressions (Walter Mundt) | | 18 Jan 2003: | Allow number sign =#= in Page name (PTh) | | 31 Aug 2002: | Allow percent sign =%= in page name (PTh) | | 27 Jul 2001: | Allow numbers =0-9= in site name | | 26 Jul 2001: | Fixed alternating missed link bug due to greedy $postfixPattern (fix by Richard Donkin) | | 14 Jul 2001: | Changed to plug & play | | 16 Jun 2001: | Made tooltips optional; prevent ==Module::Sub== type of link | | 12 Jun 2001: | Added optional tool tips (IE only); added the link rules topic name variable; added flexible link patterns; optional ==$page== in URL | | 10 Jun 2001: | Changed rules topic to table-based syntax | | 20 Feb 2001: | TWiki:Main.AndreaSterbini, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - Initial version | | CPAN Dependencies: | none | | Other Dependencies: | none | | Perl Version: | 5.0 | | Plugin Home: | TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC% (TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC%) | | Feedback: | TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC%Dev (TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC%Dev) | __Related Topics:__ %TWIKIWEB%.InterWikis, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPlugins
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r9 - 2005-03-27 - TWikiContributor
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