---## TWiki Administration The current implementation of %WIKITOOLNAME% is designed to never forget. So you can't delete a topic, however you can move or rename a topic and the original information is saved in topic meta data. If you want an even stronger memory, you can disable renaming on some or all topics; see TWikiAccessControl. ---+++ How to add a New Web * See [[TWikiDocumentation#TWiki_Installation_Notes][TWiki Installation Notes]] ---+++ How to Rename or Delete a Web * It is advisable not to rename the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%MAINWEB% web. * Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. search all webs for =Obsolete.= (include the period, this is to find topics like =Obsolete.SomeTopic= ). Take measures if necessary. * Edit the %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic and rename / delete the web from the =WIKIWEBLIST= variable. * Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table. * Telnet to the %WIKITOOLNAME% installation. * cd to ==twiki/data== and rename / delete the web directory. * cd to ==twiki/templates== and rename / delete the web directory if present. * cd to ==twiki/pub== and rename / delete the web directory if present. -- Main.PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001 <br> -- JohnTalintyre - 07 Aug 2001 <br>
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r6 - 2001-08-07 - JohnTalintyre
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