TWiki Contributor
A TWiki contributor is a person devoting his/her time to contribute on the development of the Open Source project TWiki, hosted at
. It is defined as a person who:
- has contributed code that was accepted into the TWiki distribution, or
- has considerably contributed to the TWiki documentation.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to all who contributed ideas, code, fixes and documentation to the TWiki project :-)
List of Contributors
Person |
Home Page |
Comment |
Adrian Lynch |
TWiki:Main/AdrianLynch |
Al Williams |
TWiki:Main/AlWilliams |
Andrea Sterbini |
TWiki:Main/AndreaSterbini |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Arthur Clemens |
TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Christophe Vermeulen |
TWiki:Main/ChristopheVermeulen |
Colas Nahaboo |
TWiki:Main/ColasNahaboo |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Cris Bailiff |
TWiki:Main/CrisBailiff |
Dan Boitnott |
TWiki:Main/DanBoitnott |
David Warman |
TWiki:Main/DavidWarman |
Grant Bowman |
TWiki:Main/GrantBow |
Harold Gottschalk |
TWiki:Main/HaroldGottschalk |
John Talintyre |
TWiki:Main/JohnTalintyre |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Kevin Kinnell |
TWiki:Main/KevinKinnell |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeamHallOfFame member |
Klaus Wriessnegger |
TWiki:Main/KlausWriessnegger |
Manpreet Singh |
TWiki:Main/ManpreetSingh |
Martin Cleaver |
TWiki:Main/MartinCleaver |
Martin Raabe |
TWiki:Main/MartinRaabe |
MS |
TWiki:Main/MichaelSparks |
Mike Mannix |
TWiki:Main/MikeMannix |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeamHallOfFame member |
Nicholas Lee |
TWiki:Main/NicholasLee |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Peter Fokkinga |
TWiki:Main/PeterFokkinga |
Peter Thoeny |
TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member and author of TWiki |
Randy Kramer |
TWiki:Main/RandyKramer |
Richard Donkin |
TWiki:Main/RichardDonkin |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Raymond Lutz |
TWiki:Main/RaymondLutz |
Ryan Freebern |
TWiki:Main/RyanFreebern |
Stanley Knutson |
TWiki:Main/StanleyKnutson |
Sven Dowideit |
TWiki:Main/SvenDowideit |
Ted Pavlic |
TWiki:Main/TedPavlic |
Vito Miliano |
TWiki:Main/VitoMiliano |
Walter Mundt |
TWiki:Main/WalterMundt |
TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member |
Note: Please contact a TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member in case you contributed to TWiki and your name is not on this list!
Disclaimer: TWiki gets installed on thousands of public web sites. The contributors are not affiliated in any way with those sites.
List of Contributions
- See TWikiHistory
- See also List of Production Releases in TWiki:Codev/TWikiReleases
-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 02 Dec 2003