---+ Package =TWiki::Infix::Parser= A simple stack-based parser that parses infix expressions with nonary, unary and binary operators specified using an operator table. Escapes are supported in strings, using backslash. %TOC% ---++ new($client_class, \%options) -> parser object Creates a new infix parser. Operators must be added for it to be useful. The tokeniser matches tokens in the following order: operators, quotes (" and '), numbers, words, brackets. If you have any overlaps (e.g. an operator '<' and a bracket operator '<<') then the first choice will match. =$client_class= needs to be the _name_ of a _package_ that supports the following two functions: * =newLeaf($val, $type)= - create a terminal. $type will be: 1 if the terminal matched the =words= specification (see below). 2 if it is a number matched the =numbers= specification (see below) 3 if it is a quoted string * =newNode($op, @params) - create a new operator node. @params is a variable-length list of parameters, left to right. $op is a reference to the operator hash in the \@opers list. These functions should throw Error::Simple in the event of errors. TWiki::Infix::Node is such a class, ripe for subclassing. The remaining parameters are named, and specify options that affect the behaviour of the parser: 1 =words=>qr//= - should be an RE specifying legal words (unquoted terminals that are not operators i.e. names and numbers). By default this is =\w+=. It's ok if operator names match this RE; operators always have precedence over atoms. 2 =numbers=>qr//= - should be an RE specifying legal numbers (unquoted terminals that are not operators or words). By default this is =qr/[+-]?(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+|\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/=, which matches integers and floating-point numbers. Number matching always takes precedence over word matching (i.e. "1xy" will be parsed as a number followed by a word. A typical usage of this option is when you only want to recognise integers, in which case you would set this to =numbers => qr/\d+/=. ---++ ObjectMethod *addOperator* <tt>(\%oper)</tt> Add an operator to the parser. =\%oper= is a hash (or an object), containing the following fields: * =name= - operator string * =prec= - operator precedence, positive non-zero integer. Larger number => higher precedence. * =arity= - set to 1 if this operator is unary, 2 for binary. Arity 0 is legal, should you ever need it. * =close= - used with bracket operators. =name= should be the open bracket string, and =close= the close bracket. The existance of =close= marks this as a bracket operator. * =casematters== - indicates that the parser should check case in the operator name (i.e. treat 'AND' and 'and' as different). By default operators are case insensitive. *Note* that operator names must be caselessly unique i.e. you can't define 'AND' and 'and' as different operators in the same parser. Does not affect the interpretation of non-operator terminals (names). Other fields in the hash can be used for other purposes; the parse tree generated by this parser will point to the hashes passed to this function. Field names in the hash starting with =InfixParser_= are reserved for use by the parser. ---++ ObjectMethod *parse* <tt>($string) -> $parseTree</tt> Parses =$string=, calling =newLeaf= and =newNode= in the client class as necessary to create a parse tree. Returns the result of calling =newNode= on the root of the parse. Throws TWiki::Infix::Error in the event of parse errors.
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