---+ Preference settings TWiki has four levels of preferences settings: 1 Site-level settings: %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% * Site name, proxy settings, access control, skin 1 Web-level settings: located in each Web, e.g. %WEBPREFSTOPIC% topic * Web specific access control, navigation links, colors 1 User-level settings: In each user's home page, e.g. %WIKIUSERNAME% topic * Settings that are only in effect when this user is logged in, such as LINKTOOLTIPINFO 1 Topic-level settings: Affecting current topic, for web applications Preferences can be overridden by the next level down. [[TWikiTipsOfTheDay][See More Tips...]] -- TWiki:Main.PaulineCheung - 30 Jan 2005
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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-01-01 - TWikiContributor
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