Edit tables with EditTablePlugin
EditTablePlugin allows you to edit TWiki tables using edit fields and drop down boxes. Tables have an [ Edit table ] button if preceeded by an
variable. Each column can be a text field, a drop down box, a date field, etc. Multiple tables per topic are editable, but only one at a time can be edited.
%EDITTABLE{ format="| row, -1 | text, 20, init | select, 1, one, two, three, four | radio, 3,:-),:-I,:-( | label, 0, %SERVERTIME{"$day $mon $year $hour:$min"}% |" changerows="on" }%
%EDITTABLE{ format="| row, -1 | text, 20, init | select, 1, one, two, three, four | radio, 3,:-),:-I,:-( | label, 0, 13 Mar 2025 19:39 |" changerows="on" }%
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-- TWiki:Main.PaulineCheung - 01 Feb 2005