---+ Package == %TOC% ---+!! package TWiki::UI Coordinator of execution flow and service functions used by the UI packages ---++ StaticMethod *handleRequest* <tt>($req) -> $res</tt> Main coordinator of request-process-response cycle. ---++ StaticMethod *execute* <tt>($req,$sub,%initialContext) -> $res</tt> Creates a TWiki session object with %initalContext and calls $sub method. Returns the TWiki::Response object generated ---++ StaticMethod *logon* <tt>($session)</tt> Handler to "logon" action. * =$session= is a TWiki session object ---++ StaticMethod *checkWebExists* <tt>($session,$web,$topic,$op)</tt> Check if the web exists. If it doesn't, will throw an oops exception. $op is the user operation being performed. ---++ StaticMethod *topicExists* <tt>($session,$web,$topic,$op)=>boolean</tt> Check if the given topic exists, throwing an OopsException if it doesn't. $op is the user operation being performed. ---++ StaticMethod *checkMirror* <tt>($session,$web,$topic)</tt> Checks if this web is a mirror web, throwing an OopsException if it is. ---++ StaticMethod *checkAccess* <tt>($web,$topic,$mode,$user)</tt> Check if the given mode of access by the given user to the given web.topic is permissible, throwing a TWiki::OopsException if not. ---++ StaticMethod *readTemplateTopic* <tt>($session,$theTopicName) -> ($meta,$text)</tt> Read a topic from the TWiki web, or if that fails from the current web. ---++ StaticMethod *run* <tt>($method)</tt> Supported for bin scripts that were written for TWiki < 5.0. The parameter is a function reference to the UI method to call, and is ignored in TWiki >= 5.0, where it should be replaced by a Config.spec entry such as: # **PERL H** # Bin script registration - do not modify $TWiki::cfg{SwitchBoard}{publish} = [ "TWiki::Contrib::Publish", "publish", { publishing => 1 } ]; ---++ StaticMethod *verifyCryptToken* <tt>($session,$crypt_token)</tt>
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r4 - 2010-05-29 - TWikiContributor
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