---+ User Form __Note:__ This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki administrator. This form defines the form of the home pages of registered TWiki users listed in %USERSWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%. *Do not edit this topic* - if you want to customise the user form, then: 1 Take a copy of this topic and save it to %USERSWEB%.<nop>UserForm 1 Customise %USERSWEB%.<nop>UserForm 1 Take a copy of NewUserTemplate and save it to %USERSWEB%.<nop>NewUserTemplate 1 Modify %USERSWEB%.<nop>NewUserTemplate and change the form to select your new user form. |*Name* |*Type* |*Size* |*Values* |*Tooltip message* |*Attributes* | | <nop>FirstName | text | 40 | | | | | <nop>LastName | text | 40 | | | | | <nop>OrganisationName | text | 40 | | | | | <nop>OrganisationURL | text | 40 | | | | | Profession | text | 40 | | | | | Country | text | 40 | | | | | State | text | 40 | | | | | Address | text | 40 | | | | | Location | text | 40 | | | | | Telephone | text | 40 | | | | | <nop>VoIP | text | 40 | | | | | <nop>InstantMessaging (IM) | textarea | 50x4 | | (One account per line, if several) | | | Email | text | 40 | | | | | <nop>HomePage | text | 40 | | | | | Comment | textarea | 50x6 | | | | __%X% Note:__ Please keep the %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiRegistration form and this form definition in sync. When you update this form you need to edit/save the %SYSTEMWEB%.NewUserTemplate topic. This ensures that the fields are in the right order. __Related topics:__ %USERSWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%, %SYSTEMWEB%.UserViewTemplate, %SYSTEMWEB%.NewUserTemplate, %USERSWEB%.UserHomepageHeader, %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiForms, %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiRegistration
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-05-15 - TWikiContributor
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