#VarICON ---+++ ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types * Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full filename, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons. * Syntax: =%<nop>ICON{"name"}%= * Examples: * =%<nop>ICON{"flag-gray"}%= returns %ICON{"flag-gray"}% * =%<nop>ICON{"pdf"}%= returns %ICON{"pdf"}% * =%<nop>ICON{"smile.pdf"}%= returns %ICON{"smile.pdf"}% * =%<nop>ICON{"/dont/you/dare/smile.pdf"}%= returns %ICON{"/dont/you/dare/smile.pdf"}% * =%<nop>ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}%= returns %ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% * Graphic samples: %ICON{"arrowbright"}% =arrowbright=, %ICON{"bubble"}% =bubble=, %ICON{"choice-yes"}% =choice-yes=, %ICON{"hand"}% =hand= * File type samples: %ICON{"bmp"}% =bmp=, %ICON{"doc"}% =doc=, %ICON{"gif"}% =gif=, %ICON{"hlp"}% =hlp=, %ICON{"html"}% =html=, %ICON{"mp3"}% =mp3=, %ICON{"pdf"}% =pdf=, %ICON{"ppt"}% =ppt=, %ICON{"txt"}% =txt=, %ICON{"xls"}% =xls=, %ICON{"xml"}% =xml=, %ICON{"zip"}% =zip= * Related: [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarICONURL][ICONURL]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarICONURLPATH][ICONURLPATH]], %WIKIPREFSTOPIC%, FileAttachments, TWikiDocGraphics
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Topic revision: r2 - 2005-03-27 - TWikiContributor
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