name="TWikiUsers" |
- Name: Alex Ma
- Login Name: macat
Things I've been working on that I don't want to forget about
Sep 2013 |
Document the caidawebmaster@gmail.com account to list what it's being used for: doodle, webmaster tools, custom search tool on caida, youtube account, google docs |
< < |
Sep 2013 |
Continue setting up the 4th NDN Retreat page; related files on cider: /www/cgi/www-xml-443/cgi-bin/FormHandler/config/formcfg-ndn1311.pl /www/cgi/www-xml-443/cgi-bin/FormHandler/templates-ndn/ndn_1311* /www/cgi-var/www-xml-443/ndn/logs/registration_* |
> > |
Sep 2013 |
Continue setting up the 4th NDN Retreat page (populate Participants list, create/update mailing list, post updated hotel information); related files on cider: /www/cgi/www-xml-443/cgi-bin/FormHandler/config/formcfg-ndn1311.pl /www/cgi/www-xml-443/cgi-bin/FormHandler/templates-ndn/ndn_1311* /www/cgi-var/www-xml-443/ndn/logs/registration_* |
Sep 2013 |
Lightbox needs to get hooked into XSLT at the right place so that it sets up the IE conditional directives correctly, so it can be deployed on a sitewide level rather than just in Publications Posters ; related files on cider: /www/content/www-xml-443/c2supportfiles/lightbox2.6/ /www/backend/www-xml-443/stylesheets/page2html.xsl (maybe pagecontentwrapper.xsl needs involvement instead) |
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Sep 2013 |
Follow up with brad about the IRNC Map page . Ready to unorphan it? |
Sep 2013 |
Identify and address PublicationsDB bugs * Filter by Year in Presentation tab causes 500 int server error * How to remove venue names that aren't used anymore? * Adding special characters like # to Presenter name causes "can't call method tabletname on an undefined value at RowController.pm line 156" * After a new Paper is created, its state doesn't seem cleared, e.g. searching after creating a new paper. Clicking the Papers tab again seems to clear the state. * When adding new Authors through the Authors tab, if you add a second author after the first one successfully completes, the name of the second author actually is writing over the same author ID as the first. You have to click the Authors tab to clear the state in order to add multiples. * When creating New Presentation, the Affiliations pulldown sometimes shows a grey selector, or is offset by a few lines |
Sep 2013 |
Confirm with kc and follow up with Dan about turning off redirect on pam2014.caida.org so google won't accidentally index it again. |