Difference: AlexMa (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122013-11-26 - macat

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  • Name: Alex Ma
  • Login Name: macat
Line: 10 to 10

Things I've been working on that I don't want to forget about

Sep 2013 Document the caidawebmaster@gmail.com account to list what it's being used for: doodle, webmaster tools, custom search tool on caida, youtube account, google docs
Sep 2013 Lightbox needs to get hooked into XSLT at the right place so that it sets up the IE conditional directives correctly, so it can be deployed on a sitewide level rather than just in Publications Posters; related files on cider:
/www/backend/www-xml-443/stylesheets/page2html.xsl (maybe pagecontentwrapper.xsl needs involvement instead)
Sep 2013 Confirm with kc and follow up with Dan about turning off redirect on pam2014.caida.org so google won't accidentally index it again.
Sep 2013 Foswiki NDNpub.caida.org user general maintenance, the emails aren't showing up in the Users list, had to add them in manually, even tho .htpasswd shows them all.
Oct 2013 Follow up with kc about posting the Program Plan to the website. The files need to be moved from WIP and added as new to the proper place in the WCS tree. related files on cider:
wcs:www-caida-org/home/about/progplan/2014 (needs to be created)

Annual Goals 2013-2014

Fully document the CAIDA Publications Database for use by others in the event of webmaster absence
Deploy and evaluate the second generation of a CAIDA Publications Database that manages CAIDA presentations and slidesets
Update the research section for the CAIDA public website with new information to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas.
Complete transition of AS Rank from relying on flat data files to using a database
Increase communication and feedback with others in the group by holding periodic web design meetings
Maintain NDN wiki and explore new wiki and blog apps to make sure our blog/wiki infrastructure is up to date
Make sure all papers and slides are posted, and all folks have home pages
Provide assistance to new employees to orient them to the CAIDA workflow environment
Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis
Continue exposure to the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents
Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators
Provide consistent, timely feedback on my weekly activities via weekly reports

Annual Goals 2012-2013

Deploy and evaluate the second generation of a CAIDA Publications Database that manages CAIDA presentations and slidesets. In development. Presentations still needs work.
Document how to maintain the AS Rank website and how to further develop it. DONE.
Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas. More work to be done.
Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas. DONE. More work to do
Deploy a new version of AS Rank that uses a database backend in place of flat datafiles. DONE. June 2013
Provide assistance to new employees to orient them to the CAIDA workflow environment. DONE. Oriented Edgardo, Pol Colomer
Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis. DONE. 2012 Annual finally published Jul 2013.
Continue exposure to the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents. Did not do. No LaTeX tasks this year.
Continue exposure to the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents. DONE. Worked on NDN Annual Report and ULSD-DARPA proposal.
Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators. DONE.
Increase technical, leadership and management skills by enrolling in relevant technical/business courses at UCSD Extension or with UCSD HR/staff education. Did not do.
Provide consistent, timely feedback on my weekly activities via weekly reports. DONE.
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