Difference: AlexMa (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132014-07-16 - macat

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  • Name: Alex Ma
  • Login Name: macat
Line: 10 to 10

Things I've been working on that I don't want to forget about

Sep 2013 Document the caidawebmaster@gmail.com account to list what it's being used for: doodle, webmaster tools, custom search tool on caida, youtube account, google docs
Sep 2013 Lightbox needs to get hooked into XSLT at the right place so that it sets up the IE conditional directives correctly, so it can be deployed on a sitewide level rather than just in Publications Posters; related files on cider:
/www/backend/www-xml-443/stylesheets/page2html.xsl (maybe pagecontentwrapper.xsl needs involvement instead)
Oct 2013 Follow up with kc about posting the Program Plan to the website. The files need to be moved from WIP and added as new to the proper place in the WCS tree. related files on cider:
wcs:www-caida-org/home/about/progplan/2014 (needs to be created)

Annual Goals 2013-2014

Fully document the CAIDA Publications Database for use by others in the event of webmaster absence
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