Difference: AlexMa (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62012-12-19 - macat

Line: 1 to 1
  • Name: Alex Ma
  • Login Name: macat
Line: 8 to 8
  • Comment: CAIDA Webmaster starting 2000

Annual Goals 2011-2012

Take over the design, development, evaluation and deployment of the first generation publications/presentations database.  
Take over the design, development, evaluation and deployment of the first generation publications/presentations database. Owned by jon
Learn the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents. Prepared Papers/2012/imc-topocompare LaTeX
Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators.  
Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators. established
Hire another webmaster's assistant from the UCSD student pool to replace graduating/outgoing student Alex Dodge. Done. Sep 2011. Hired Jon Yuan
Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas  
Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis  
Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas added images, in progress
Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis staged and published 2011 annual by July
Promote accessibility by implementing sections of the website that orient a site visitor with a limited background in networking research  
Funding permitting, increase leadership and management skills by enrolling in relevant business courses at UCSD Extension or with UCSD HR/staff education  
Provide consistent, timely feedback on weekly activities via weekly reports  
Increase communication and feedback with others in the group by holding periodic web design meetings  
Provide consistent, timely feedback on weekly activities via weekly reports weeklies sent tuesdays
Increase communication and feedback with others in the group by holding periodic web design meetings meet one-on-one, group meetings minimized
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