Difference: AlexMa (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82013-06-18 - macat

Line: 1 to 1
  • Name: Alex Ma
  • Login Name: macat
Line: 10 to 10
Deploy and evaluate the second generation of a CAIDA Publications Database that manages CAIDA presentations and slidesets.
Document how to maintain the AS Rank website and how to further develop it.
Update the research and data for the CAIDA public website with a new information architecture to reflect recent activities and deliverables in those areas.
Deploy a new version of AS Rank that uses a database backend in place of flat datafiles.
Provide assistance to new employees to orient them to the CAIDA workflow environment.
Deploy a new version of AS Rank that uses a database backend in place of flat datafiles. DONE. June 2013
Provide assistance to new employees to orient them to the CAIDA workflow environment. DONE. Oriented Edgardo, Pol Colomer
Take a leadership role in capturing updated content and populating the annual report on a weekly/monthly basis.
Continue exposure to the LaTeX document preparation system to support the creation of PDFs for CAIDA papers and documents.
Establish and maintain regular in-person contact hours for coworkers and collaborators.
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