TWiki Groups
These groups can be used to define fine grained
TWikiAccessControl in TWiki:
- CaidaGroup
- Members: DanielAndersen, AlexMa, KcClaffy, KenKeys, YoungHyun, RyanKoga, BradleyHuffaker, MatthewLuckie, AlbertoDainotti, ErinOnymous, RickyMok, ElenaYulaeva, ChongyangDu, DavidClark, JenniferSun, CaseyLee, AlexMarder, PaulBiglete, RachelTisdale, GautamAkiwate, DonaldWolfson, WilliamLim, LydiaSmith, ZacharyBischof, JasmineAllred, AlejandroMarquez, LeiCao, ThomasKrenc, SashaZabegakin, NickPetrone, LilitArakelyan, PhilipLeoPascual, ThyNguyen, EmelineMarechal, LeoOliver, VictoriaNguyen, RyanHung, AshleyChu, BrendonJones, RaymondSun, PaulHick, HarshGondaliya, BillHerrin, ArnavModi, AniketGupta, JonLarrea, ShivaniHariprasad, ThomasAlfroy, SamDeLaughter, KevinChen, EricLi, JacobRoot, AnishKoulgi, AmandaTomlinson, ReventhSharma, VuLe, SampadaShelke, JohnJamison, MaxGao, JunyueLin, SimonQuach, UlisesSalinas, JoshSantillan, TonyIde, DanielPark, HyeChanLee, BernhardDegen, SyedMujtaba, HarmonySchwartz, BenjaminLiang, TristanCooper, KyleTrinh, LoukikRaina, SakshiDineshDeore, TanmayNale
- NobodyGroup
- TWikiAdminGroup
IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of
WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:
- There is enough peer pressure to post only appropriate content.
- Content does not get lost because topics are under revision control.
- A topic revision can be undone by a member of the TWikiAdminGroup if necesssary.
Related topics: TWikiAccessControl,