TWiki Contribs
Reusable code that may be used over several plugins and add-ons.
TWiki contribs extend the functionality of TWiki, typically used by plugins and add-ons. They may also provide alternative implementations for sections of the TWiki core e.g. user management, or when an extension just can't be implemented as a plugin because it requires very close access to TWiki internals.
Relevant links on
- TWiki:Plugins.ContribPackage - list of all contributed contrib packages
- TWiki:Plugins.ContribDevelopment - discussion and feedback on contributed packages
- TWiki:Plugins.ContribBrainstorming - open forum for new contrib ideas
- TWiki:Plugins.ContribPackageHowTo - instructions and template to create a new contrib package
See other types of extensions: TWikiAddOns,
TWiki Contribs Installed on this TWiki
Number of topics: 6
Installing Contribs
- Download an add-on from TWiki:Plugins.ContribPackage.
- Follow the installation instructions in the contrib topic.
Creating new Contribs
- Visit TWiki:Plugins.ContribPackageHowTo and follow the instructions.
Related Topics: DeveloperDocumentationCategory,
AdminDocumentationCategory, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPluginsSupplement
Contributors: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny