WIKIUSERSTOPIC name of topic listing all registers users Syntax: % WIKIUSERSTOPIC% Expands to: , with prefix renders as . Category: SystemInformationVariables...
USERINFO{`name`} retrieve details about a user Syntax: % USERINFO% Expands to: (comma separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails) With...
SPACEOUT{`string`} renders string with spaces inserted in sensible places Inserts spaces between word components. Word component boundaries are transitions from...
SITESTATISTICSTOPIC name of site statistics topic Note: The site statistics topic is assumed to be in the web. Syntax: % SITESTATISTICSTOPIC% Expands...
SESSIONID unique ID for this session Syntax: % SESSIONID% Expand to: Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables...
PARENTBC parent breadcrumbs for headings Add % PARENTBC% to a heading of a topic to show the breadcrumb of its parents. Parent topics are linked, topic names...
OLIVE start olive green colored text OLIVE is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings...
LANGUAGES list available TWiki languages List the languages available (as PO files) to TWiki. Those are the languages in which TWiki`s user interface is...
INCLUDINGWEB web that includes current topic The web name of the topic that includes the current topic same as % WEB% if there is no INCLUDE. Syntax...
EDITTABLE{ attributes } edit TWiki tables using edit fields and other input fields The % EDITTABLE{ variable is handled by the EditTablePlugin Syntax...
AQUA start aqua colored text AQUA is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in...
TWiki Tips Of the Day Include This Page randomly picks a Tip of the day to display. The of the TWiki and Sandbox web include the part between the horizontal rules...
TWiki Release 4.0 (Dakar) Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.0.X. It is included with 4.1.X because it contains valuable information...