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Package TWiki::UI::Save UI delegate for save function StaticMethod save ($session) Command handler for save command. This method is designed to be invoked via...
Revision control TWiki has `soft security` anyone can change anything, but changes are logged. There is a complete audit trail: Version Date of last revision...
TWiki Logos The official TWiki logo is a big `T` in a speech bubble conveying `working together`, and has a `collaborate with TWiki` tag line. TWiki.org Logo Artwork...
Installed Plugins Plugins are mainly user contributed add ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities. A limited number of plugins are included in...
Each FileAttachment in a Topic has an attribute string. At present only the hidden attribute is supported. If the attribute includes h then the attachment is considered...
Book View BookView is an option available from the advanced search topic. It allows you to display the result in `book view`, that is, the whole content of topics...
FAQ: So what is this WikiWiki thing exactly? Answer: A set of pages of information that are open and free for anyone to edit as they wish. They are stored in...
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Recent Changes in 1 Web retrieved at 1 ` Show 1 results per page, or 2 show all 3 .//?limit $item` rel `nofollow` $item), 10, 20, 50,...
ATOM News Feeds Find out What`s New There are several ways to find out what`s new in each TWiki web: 1. Visit WebChanges to see recent changes 1. Subscribed...
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WIKIWEBMASTER email address of the administrator % WIKIWEBMASTER% expands to the email address of the administrator of . Syntax: % WIKIWEBMASTER% , expands...
WIKILOGOURL site logo home URL Syntax: % WIKILOGOURL% Expands to: Defined in: TWikiPreferences, default % SCRIPTURLPATH{`view`/% USERSWEB%/% HOMETOPIC...
WIKILOGOIMG site logo image URL Syntax: % WIKILOGOIMG% Expands to: Renders as: Defined in: TWikiPreferences Category: AdministrationVariables...
VAR{`NAME` ...} get a preference value from another web or topic and more Gets the value of a variable in various manners. If the topic parameter...
USERSIG show user signature with profile picture icon Syntax: % USERSIG{WikiName or % USERSIG{WikiName YYYY MM DD The parameter can be either just...
TOPICURL shortcut to viewing the current topic This variable always expands to an url pointing to the current base topic. Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut...
TOPIC name of current topic % TOPIC% expands to the name of the topic. If you are looking at the text of an included topic, it is the name of the included topic...
SYSTEMWEB name of TWiki documentation web The web containing all documentation and default preference settings Syntax: % SYSTEMWEB% Expands to:...

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Topic revision: r13 - 2015-09-17 - TWikiContributor
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